Tai's manga / #mature(43)

Bad boss

Ongoing | neon.b | 2000 released
2020-07-03 01:09 marked

this was so addictive but also such a fucked up story? like its not rly a romance at all but there is like a love story and the big bad villain is both not who you expect and exactly who it should be. this shit was traumatizing to read and i regret nothing tbh. everyone got what they deserved in the end except the poor FL she deserved none of what she went thru. smh. basically 5 stars for that insane plot but 2 stars for how much suffering a sweet lady had to go thru cuz of 2 shitty dudes and their petty ass rivalry.

Blade of the Immortal

Complete | Hiroaki Samura | 1994 released
2020-07-03 16:23 marked

i technically havent finished this. im like mostly done? just gonna leave it up here though. the older i got the less tolerance i had for all the ero-guro stuff in it (and that endless prison arc jfc). like not tryin to kinkshame u Samura but like...what the fuck my dude?

Living Will

Complete | mina (미나),ziho | 2019 released

i keep thinking i wish i could spend more time with these women and their relationship but oh well. the ending has one of the ladies dying because ofc it does. but with so little build up to the climax there is p much no emotional payoff. also the way it goes from jeannette being surrounded by dudes trying to kill her, only to suddenly end up in a room sadly reading her dead gf's letter is...not everything Needs to be explained but that was a very weird narrative choice tbh. i rly cant rate it higher than this even tho i want to. so here's hoping the next GL comic i pick up will be more enjoyable.


Complete | chonamsae | 2000 released
2020-08-12 00:10 marked

gosh where doi start with this one? im surprised its not more popular and also Not surprised at the same time. i mean i am baffled that a 20 yr old woman NOT ending up in a relationship with a 38 yr old man at the end would be considered a bad thing by Anyone but also her actual endgame love interest is super hot so like why not? I do wish we got more of him and her together but thats clearly not that interesting to write about cause its ultimately friends to lovers and the tropes that go with that. which i dont mind! but i can see why Choe was more interest in portraying the female protaganist's first (and very sexy) love instead. while also making sure we all can rest at night knowing she's not going to ruin her life by marrying a man almost twice her age who also has a kid ffs. tbc im not big on age gaps esp when its the man that's older However i can totally understand why a younger person would want to fuck a notably older person, or have a crush on them. i just wouldnt root for them as a long term true endgame couple. it doesnt feel realistic to me as a coupling that would work irl for more than 5 yrs tops. Anyway, this is a nice coming of age josei style story with a distinctive art style and some really hot sex scenes like hoo buddy. My main complaint and why i didnt give it 5 stars is the underdeveloped and very depressing side story with the other female character in the larger cast. i just felt like we didnt need to see her suffer so much. tho im glad she got to have her first love and a cute kid by her side at the end at least. i do love that there are 3 interesting female characters and all of them are distinct from each other. Also one of them is a sexy ass butch lesbian who has a one night stand with the female lead like Damn Ms choe, way to hit me right where i live. anyway i def rec reading this just brace yourself for some sexual assault, rape and domestic violence in a couple of chapters. (most of which is tbh skippable...)

Over-cumming writer’s block

Ongoing | Nae*awaji | 2019 released

Wolf In The House

Complete | park ji-yeon | 2000 released
2020-09-25 02:59 marked

just finshed it and holy shit it is SO SO GOOD. Just such a well written sophisticated story with actually erotic sex scenes? and genuinely moving love story? and its like incredibly funny and full of ADORABLE dogs and SURPRISE LESBIAN MOMS???gaaaaah. i cant wait for this woman's next project. this really just hit every one of its marks. from art, to story, to characters just A+++ (there's really only two other BL stories that rly moved and impressed me as much as this one and its Blood Bank and Man of Virtue, tho imo i think i was most impressed with the artwork from Wolf in the House. like BB is prettier to look at but when it came to conveying things like atmosphere and emotion there was just something so cinematic and evoccative about the way the artist used color and the lack of color and shadow in the comic. whereas BB is more anime style. Wolf almost had this great neo noir vibe half the time. this rly was somehow two genre of romance in ONE story and it actually WORKS. instead of one feeling out of place? like part neo noir, part paranormal romance, part romcom and part dog meme this comic truly does have it All. (also where is my Khalifa spin off? just waaaat a gorgeous lady holy shit!)


Complete | Marloong | 2000 released
2020-10-25 16:00 marked

i have so many mixed feelings on this...like there's a good heartfelt theme to this story and it has alot of good characterizatioin and a very interesting setting. altho this was DEF written by a person who has never spent a notable amount of time in america cause the racial dynamics of the friendships here is...it just wouldnt go down this way irl is all im sayin but i am still glad to see all these black folks in the comic just bein regular people and not stereotypes despite being written by a native korean who prooobably hasnt interacted with a ton of them in her real life. that said i think koreans arent as rare of unicorns as she seems to think they are in this urban large city devlopment these characters seem to live in. but the racism they would go thru is def very true. whether it would go down quite like This tho....and this leads me into what my real issue is with this story. The amount of pure unmitigated torment that Sehyun goes thru in this story is just Too Much. esp when i know he is never gonna get the trauma counseling and sexual assault survivors group meetings that he truly desperately needs. but these stories are always about trauma victims being healed by Love. i do appreciate that the love Sehyun recieves is from a family and community of people and not just one guy who is his White Knight. and in fact his white knight in question is a pretty flawed complicated person himself. which i appreciated. but there's a way to indicate that sehyun went through Alot without...showing us in excruciaating detail every single fucked up thing he went thru? after a while it felt..fetishizing and sadistic in a way it didnt NEED to be. and its esp troublesome cause unlike other BL stories that overuse rape as a form of titilation in their dark smutty stories...this story is taking the abusive actions VERY seriously and grounding them in the real world. but then its also trying to treat them the way alot of darker BL involving rape would. again as a Sex Scene and not as a fuckin nightmare which is what this boy has been enduring. i dont think these scenes are meant to be very sexy but they are clearly showing more than needed to just make their point, which is why i think its being treated in a way that feels inappropriate to the actual subject matter here. like these are rapes in the realest sense that they are meant to dehumanize, to punish, to dominate, to torture etc this poor kid (and from a VERY young age)...like the fact that he is not only assaulted by his father figure...multiple times...and we see it everytime...im like...FFS. it was too much! anyway once he gets out of that environment and these men are dealt with by the police. i was hoping the rest of the story would be consensual sex and healing for sehyun. but nooope, the writer still felt she needed more fucked up rape scenes but this time with the bonus that sehyun Resists! cause he doesnt think he's trash anymore! wow growth! except...thats....so victim blamey??? like it implies that if sehyun had tried harder to resist and hadnt bought into the fucked up gaslighting and mental conditioning he was literally being raised in at one point wrt the worthlessness of his body and person...that he coudla got out sooner or smth and im like...what the fuck? idk if thats what the writer was Trying to say. but it felt HELLA sus. showing that sehyun has broken out of his self loathing mindset could've been done without being assaulted again (and Again. Tho tbf it wasnt shown and the other time he manages to get away but jfc after What??). Idk if that scene where he yells at his abuser is supposed to feel cathartic and inspiring but all i felt was sad that this kid still has to go thru this shit and have to fight this battle Alone. ffs. In conclusion, this is not a bad comic, but it is a very frustrating one. its got its heart in the right place (mostly) but the execution really tried every ounce of my patience. i dont recommend it but i also cant say its worthless trash either. just up to whether the unusual setting and distinctive characters are enough of a draw to make u stick thru this to the (genuinely sweet) ending or not. i mean i did, but i still dont know if i should have~

Sex Drop

Complete | Shikke | 2000 released
2020-10-03 16:14 marked

i'll make this short and lead with: I liked this and you should all read it. but it did have some Problematic elements tho imo they are mild and in line with the light bdsm themes in it. the male lead is another sort of oddball with a slightly sinister side like the one in You're My Favorite Toy. however this one doesnt rly have sociopathic tendencies and seems more of an introverted loner type (largely by choice). and the other half of the couple, the "slutty" blonde isnt rly anything like his also blonde counterpart in that story. i read these two very close to each other and saw some mild similarities esp in the couples looks. anyway, i didnt like this one as much as Toy but i did like it alot and altho it doesnt start out too romantic it does achieve a quiet sweetness by the end. its def a believable love story imo. and its the kind of oddball love and smut story that one can rly only find in japanese bl comics (vs korean bl webtoons which have some great entries dont get me wrong! but no one does Weird as successfully and frequently as Japan does. just facts). this manga can be purchased on Renta English and i highly recommend u purchase at least one chpt if u like it (or leave a review recommending it on their site).

Nemuri Otoko to Koi Otoko

Complete | Zaria,Zariya Ranmaru | 2015 released
2020-11-06 06:08 marked

a very simple very sexy love story between a punk looking gay guy and his long blonde haired bestie crush coworker because zariya seems to rly like that combination. (i agree with you sis! long hair is turn on for me too!) anyway the art is GORGEOUS. the story isnt esp complex but its not pointless or stupid, its a good catalyst for the two guys reflecting on their feelings and relationship. but mostly its a good device to introduce lots of super hot gorgeously illustrated (consensual!) sex. and so if u want smth meaty then u wont find it here but if u want some good ass easy to follow but still mature and thoughtful erotica then here it is! a BL for the discerning and critical perverts among us. lol.

Renai Fuyuki Todoki

Complete | nagi wataru | 2000 released
2020-11-02 03:51 marked

this is a really controversial one and i understand why tbh. however i read all of it and i didnt hate it. nor did i think the writer made a bad choice. it IS highly problematic and does a thing that alot of BLs even ones with dubcon dont do. which is...they call the dubcon what it would be in real life: rape. and have the person react in a way a real life person would to a sex act they didnt fully consent to: rage and despair and terror. its especially a gutsy choice for the writer to take because this guy is not only the lead love interest but a guy the bottom Kurama was deeply infatuated with for YEARS. and yet despite getting his wish to be with his crush it goes horribly wrong and turns into a nightmare instead of a dream come true. now thats hard to accept if u want a typical romance and erotic scenes and i respect that. for me tho this choice was very interesting imo and it kept me wondering how their relationship would work if ever esp when Kurama p much rejects him COMPLETELY after the act is committed and they dont even get to see each other again for 3 years. after which there's been some serious self reflection on both their parts. i do think the context is interesting, he did want to sleep with Kento (mostly referred to as Kirishima in the manga tho but i aint writing out all that!) just not at that time because he was clearly not emotionally ready for a myriad of reasons we the readers know from hearing his thoughts for almost 2 whole chpts. meanwhile Kento it turns out was also hardcore pining and lusting after Kurama the entire time. the dark irony that both of them deeply desired each other yet feared being rejected or being disgusting to the other causing them both to suppress their feelings until they explode in the WORST way. kento takes kurama's confession of his crush and his desires to have sex but not accept himself as a gay man and live his life honest with his desires...as p much a greenlight for kento to give kurama "what he wants" in spite of kurama saying otherwise cause in kento's mind..thats secretly what kurama wants even if he cant admit it to himself...and in another manga thats how it would go. that night would awaken smth in kurama and after some reluctance they'd become a couple, instead that's NOT what happens. kurama calls Kento a rapist and tells him to fuck off and Kento is so shocked by this reaction (he genuinely was not reading Kurama's clear protests as sincere) and spends the night alone and crying and feeling so guilty. it was rly angsty intense stuff. and again a gutsy choice cause i think a ton of readers NOPE'd right out of the story after that. but i admired this take. they do ofc eventually become a couple and work it out but not without that 3 year gap in time where Kento matures some and apologizes sincerely while Kurama realizes he cant keep denying himself what he wants and who he is. i DO think the writer tries to have it both ways sometimes. where kurama was like "you wronged me!" and while also saying he "acted like" he didnt want it and tried to guilt kento and like...did you want it or DIDNT you, please be consistent. kento does however repeatedly say he forced him cause he wanted him so badly and figured kurama would accept him eventually if he made him come and told kurama he wants to date him. which again in another manga is how it would go. like oh that was mean but...since i came and u are sincere about me i guess its ok! nope bitch not this time! that said even when they reunite it take sa while for kurama to be honest with himself or kento and the sex scenes while hot are still not very gentle and loving right away. there's still alot of tension between them even as they cant ignore their attraction to each other. anyway! this is a long review because i felt like i cant explain why i think this is a good story and worth reading without going into detail. i dont think it deserves such a (comparatively) low rating among BL mangas because i think it takes alot of risks and the art is great and the sex is erotic and intense. its rly hard to look away even when ur like OH NO. anyway it worked for ME but i do get why alot of people werent into it and i do think knowing what ur going into will help alot when reading this. so the scene itself doesnt shock and take the reader by surprise we can actually think about and reflect on what the author was going for. on another note this is an erotic bl that has SO much dialogue and thought bubbles and narration. like way more than i usually see in these kinds of stories. its a very wordy and emotionally rich story and i love that about it. i wouldnt call it a favorite but i do think its way better than it's given credit for being. and thats that on that. (i do still like the spin off Lost Virgin more and think it works better as a Romance but its not quite as thrilling or intense as a story. imo. its sexy as hell tho!). PS: i cant recommend the BLCD of this highly enough. its so well acted seriously. it helped me appreciate the story alot more too. the voice on the guy who plays Kento? hoooo *fans self*