The Missing O
i really enjoyed this webtoon and highly recommend it! It has 3 (and eventually 4) couples and one of my fave female leads in a webtoon period. altho it can be quite smutty it also has alot more story and dialogue than sex scenes. so if u just want a parade of filth then this might not hit the spot but if u want a good helping of romance with ur naughty scenes then this should hit the spot! (the art did take me some getting used to tho, it does get alot better as it goes on but yeah i wasnt a fan of it at first and its why i put off starting it so long). anyway this is all very consensual MINUS some dubcon elements (the sex is consensual but not all acts involved are fully consented on, rather its kinda...heavily pressured on the guy). basically almost all the problematic elements are in the femdom couple. which was also the least well developed or realistic of the couples just cause of how over the top the guy was and how disinterested the woman was in even attempting to communicate with him. tbf her intention wasnt romantic or to be a couple at first so...yeah. it didnt Offend me and i did love her whole "im a cool sardonic tall girl" vibe but it was frustrating to see how their relationship was more a source for comedy than actual romance or relationship exploration. they work it out in the end tho so i guess its fine? lol. no complaints at all about the other 3 couples tho. we even get the CUTEST MOST WHOLESOME GL couple in this story among the 4 couples. but yeah all the female charas are great and i woulda recced this just for them tbh.
My Mother’s Lover
i can never decide if i actually like studio stellas art style or not but it is distinctive i will give them that. neway this toon was such a trashy soap opera but i enjoyed that. i dont rec it and i dont not rec it? the sex scenes are sexy tho. ill say and she def ended up with the right guy
The Lady and Her Butler
Super charming and fun! i wish it didnt have that tired "man pretends to be gay to be straight gal's roommate" trope that is so weirdly common in korean based cohabitation shenanigans. neway its otherwise excellent tho. the gay thing is dropped by s2 and instead we get 2 seasons of them learning how to be a couple despite both having some real trauma in their pasts. and their own internal issues to work thru. watching two people grow together and also as indivuals is so satisfying. and on a shallow note the dude is crazy hot like omg. anyway i like the female lead is such a stoic closed off person, we dont get alot of female characters in main roles like that. instead the usual bubbly type of female lead turns out to be a more complicated and even sinister character. the characters are all interesting in their own ways but i'll be honest about not caring too much about the secondary guy until maybe right before the very end lol. anyway highly recommend this, very satisfying romance and slice of life story. and i would gladly spend another 40 chpts with the male lead's adorable and loud family. (i will say i lament that i never got to see the UST resolved, only had it hinted at. i know its not a smut toon but...CMON! at least give me some over the bra action!)
another fun dynamic where the guy is soft and domestic and likes to be dominated by his free spirited takes no shit female partner. its a cute but ultimately forgettable story. and the art is kinda ugly lol. but i enjoyed it. its an easy breezy read. alas there is no pegging. this guy woulda totally said yes too! (in fact he was perhaps a little too agreeable and mild mannered...) like the guy is a little too much of a pushover sometimes that he becomes pitiable. their relationship basiclaly didnt feel fully equal and it was also too short to rly delve into either character or the relationship as whole. but i did like the gender role reversal and finished it so its ok imo. not good. not bad. just ok.
Blood Bank
picked this up on a whim and holy shit this is so compelling? and also extremely sexy damn. one of the best BL comcis i've ever read. its such a damn shame the side stories or sequels to this story never happened and the author herself seems MIA from making comics for the last 3 years. anyway i loved this from start to end. it was sexy, it was romantic, it was thrilling, it even made me tear up once. it had great worldbuilding and lore. if it was lacking anything it was that like most BL it had almost zero women with speaking lines in it but otherwise it was just A+ work. and i seriously bummed that this webtoon artist has neither made sequel stories or a new comic period in the time since this one ended. truly a loss! hope she's doing ok. in the meantime im so gladi got to read this. and highly recommend it even to people who dont care for BL that much. (also the art is so vibrant and fluid and i loved the steampunk aesthetic it had going too.) anyway, im sad its all over now but at better a nice ending than a story that runs way longer than it needs to. also this is the best depiction of a bdsm style realtionship i've seen so far in any comic that features them. just really dived into the psychological aspects of it instead of just using the imagery for some kinky thrills. and then ofc there was a genuinely moving love story woven thru it too. cant say ive seen that pulled off so well before. anyway this work was A level and the sex scenes actually furthered the character arcs and relationship. and thats also what made them so entertaining to watch. (i would tbh read another 50 chpts of this story easily. why is it always the good comics that arent 100s of chpts long?)
Living Will
i keep thinking i wish i could spend more time with these women and their relationship but oh well. the ending has one of the ladies dying because ofc it does. but with so little build up to the climax there is p much no emotional payoff. also the way it goes from jeannette being surrounded by dudes trying to kill her, only to suddenly end up in a room sadly reading her dead gf's letter is...not everything Needs to be explained but that was a very weird narrative choice tbh. i rly cant rate it higher than this even tho i want to. so here's hoping the next GL comic i pick up will be more enjoyable.
BJ alex
having read all the chpts and sides now, i decided to bump this up a star. the first 60 chpts while fine are pretty typical romance story that i see alot in het romances and this is just that applied to a campus setting with two guys instead. however! after they become a couple and the story finally delves more into who Dong gyun is and also the homophobia he experienced, the story became 50x more interesting and emotionally affecting. and it was handled in a fairly respectful realistic way. its still def a BL comic so its nothing too deep but considering how rarely this genre which is all about Boys in Love seems to deal with things like homophobia or discussions of sexuality even when set in our real world, i gotta say it was refreshing to see that handled here. it was also nice to see that we get 4 different kinds of queer guys in one comic, albeit we only really get to know two of them. i loved chanwoo he's like some of the real gay dudes i've known and he was also a ton of fun. i would gladly read a whole series about him but i will settle for the Sides instead. his kinky relationship is also more interesting to me than the more vanilla standard one with Jiwon and DG but no question i found myself rly adoring the main couple once they were finally an actual Couple and i only wish they'd gotten together sooner tbh. anyway while i dont love this story as much as other people on this website do, i managed to finish it and find some of its charms by the end. i dont know if i'd call it a Must Read tho.
Love or Hate(Yeongha)
the best thing i can say about this BL ero webtoon is that it has a love triangle where i can see the appeal of both guys and relationships and the sex scenes are Really hot. EDIT: caught up and looked at the newest raws (101-104) and hoo boy my mains get back together, the breakup that was long time coming finally comes, there's some fun drama involving paparazzi and jealous little shits and possible Exposure of our main pair's sordid past all culimating in a beautiful reunion and reconnection that feels earned. also 101-104 is legit just...kissing, cuddling and fucking. like ty Yeongha my fields were DYING from the drought of sexy scenes and u finally watered my crops. and by crops i mean p**** Edit Final Thoughts: a beautiful and satisfying ending to an almost perfect series. top scores here kids! can def see myself re reading this one day (but uh maybe ill skim thru half of s3 cause hoo boy did it drag in parts...)
Untouchable (massstar)
this was really mediocre and yet i read all of it so idk what that says about me. it's not Bad tho. its just Fine. its a korean webtoon but makes me think of alot of the shoujo mangas i read back in the 00s. so take that as you will. i dont have too many major complaints aside from that it didnt need to be as long as it was and the Female protaganists "best friend" was a piece of shit and i didnt feel bad for him at all even when we learned his sob story. the male lead was sweet though, i thought he would be the prickly imperious aloof type but in fact he's just traumatized and lonely and shy so he grew on me p quickly. anyway i did like the female lead and her confidence but i do wish she had like even One female friend and her family didnt spend so much of the story gaslighting her "for her own good". and ofc with these kinds of stories the romance has to remain chaste. which wouldnt be annoying if not for how insanely horny this poor girl is and she never gets to have her thirst quenched until the very very last part of the story. and ofc it has to end with a wedding cause its not a proper vanilla het romance without one. just seems like a waste of the whole cool vampire conceit if you ask me. idk can lack of ambition be a valid story critique? cause if so...and my other other issue is the main antagonist isnt even a proper antagonists until the very final act and then...nothing rly comes of it? its solved almost immediately once his true evil mwahaha plan is revealed. and also! he isnt rly dealt with? the writer kind of implies at the end he'll fall in love with some weird lolita chick and suffer but its so half assed omg. and why is shitty friend blonde boy the one to give him the Read? ugh anyway. its fine i guess.
Oh! Holy