oh my gad this is HILARIOUS. i've only read the first story (i love a good anthology tbh) which is a bonkers take on the popular korean folktale of Chunhyang. i wont summarize it here, if u dont know it you must go wiki or google it cause knowing it will allow to appreciate how hysterical that first story is. the sex scenes are short but nice. i gotta say the story kept giggling enough that i wouldnt have noticed if there was no sexy times at all.
EDIT: well finished it (all chpt now available in eng on tappytoon). and it was delightful from start to finish. definitely liked some stories more than others but i did enjoy the variation in size and shape among the tops and the bottoms and funny and not always obvious way the writer would spin each fairytale or folktale in her attempts to make then funnier and super gay. anyway def recommend it!
Classic BL Theater