Tai's manga / #Drama(88)

Neon Sign Amber

Complete | OGERETSU Tanaka | 2015 released
2020-12-07 06:04 marked

the "bottom" aka submissive in the relationship is a gorgeous tan blonde haired gyaru type but a man. (is their a name for a male version of gyaru style? idk). colored nails, lots of jewelry, promiscuous and sexy. he falls in love with a buttoned up straight laced tradtional handsome salaryman and its a sweet short thoughtful (and emotional) story about two dudes who are very different trying to work thru their feelings for each other. this one actually acknowledges homophobia as the gyaru boy was horribly bullied in his past for being VERY obviously queer even as a child and its pretty traumatic stuff (no rape in this story tho thankfully), what he goes thru is awful tho so TW for that. and the black haired top does fail to do the right thing at one point but it makes his reformation into a staunch defender (and lover) of Sena (gyaru cutie) all the more satisfying imo. i want to rate it higher but i feel like the story needed a bit more space to breathe and while i liked it and recommend it i cant call it a fave and only faves get 4 and up stars. sry those r the Rules.

Crash Into Me

Complete | Re-run | 2019 released
2021-01-19 19:55 marked

i dont rly have alot to say about this. this isnt an esp deep story but it does get pretty dark in spots. trigger warnings abound here. its not a thriller or psychological drama or anything horror esque. just melodrama dealing with some real intense topics sometimes. the reason i stuck with this story tho, if im honest, is the sex scenes. let me explain! the relationship has an intense-ness that actually justifies the sex scenes (like desire just kind of rolls off them in almost every scene even if they arent doing anything sexy?) but more over i like how they are drawn here. we get alot of full shots and faces are actually like..expressive. alot of webtoons just lack fluidity in their sex scenes or just chop up the scene into various body parts and close ups rather than full shots. full shots imo are more intimate and pleasing to the eye. its why manga with sex scenes tend to do more for me than a smutty webtoon tbh. this one has no real plot rather the plot IS the characters adn their relationship. so if they interest u and u like the art, this will be a good read and if u dont then there's nothing much else to see here. but ya at least none of the assaults are perpretrated by the love interest, amazing that i have to specify that but lol here we are.

Frontline Hazard

Complete | Kevin tobidase | 2019 released
2020-12-07 07:33 marked

i feel bad rating this one star cause the art is excellent and the (consensual) sex scenes are very hot. im fine with dubcon in an erotica story but this one goes straight to brutal gangrape of one of the leads that isnt rly handled in any serious way and is clearly there for smut reasons which is....a choice i guess. me and kevin tobidase just dont see eye to eye i guess. i just never like their work even tho their art is so good. its a SHAME. but yeah this story was...bad. not just offensive but like poorly haphazardly written as well. i want to skip it but its still worth looking at the art esp for the main couple. they arent a bad couple, its just that the army stuff and the gangraping and the handling of both those is just....someone clearly just had a fetish for gangbangs and military uniforms and made only the barest attempt at a plot to justify it. and next time dude? just dont even bother. just draw ur sexy military dudes banging it out. its ok. we wont judge u.

BJ alex

Complete | Mingwa | 2000 released
2020-08-11 23:43 marked

having read all the chpts and sides now, i decided to bump this up a star. the first 60 chpts while fine are pretty typical romance story that i see alot in het romances and this is just that applied to a campus setting with two guys instead. however! after they become a couple and the story finally delves more into who Dong gyun is and also the homophobia he experienced, the story became 50x more interesting and emotionally affecting. and it was handled in a fairly respectful realistic way. its still def a BL comic so its nothing too deep but considering how rarely this genre which is all about Boys in Love seems to deal with things like homophobia or discussions of sexuality even when set in our real world, i gotta say it was refreshing to see that handled here. it was also nice to see that we get 4 different kinds of queer guys in one comic, albeit we only really get to know two of them. i loved chanwoo he's like some of the real gay dudes i've known and he was also a ton of fun. i would gladly read a whole series about him but i will settle for the Sides instead. his kinky relationship is also more interesting to me than the more vanilla standard one with Jiwon and DG but no question i found myself rly adoring the main couple once they were finally an actual Couple and i only wish they'd gotten together sooner tbh. anyway while i dont love this story as much as other people on this website do, i managed to finish it and find some of its charms by the end. i dont know if i'd call it a Must Read tho.

Window to Window

Complete | Lee Aru,이아루 | 2016 released

this wasnt very deep but i did like it enough to read all of it so that says something. i think i always like it when the top is a cute boy who is very in love and not some cold macho asshole. so many times its like THIS GUY IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN ME HOW COULD I EVER~~ and im like...no ty. this is the Friends to Lovers trope and you'd think i'd be tired of it by now...but i am not lol. this is a good friends to lovers imo. its hilarious that so many commenters thought the redhead was an evil abuser rapist when...he's nothing of the sort. there is ONE scene that is debtable-y dubcon...and that's it. the brownhaired cutie is actually able to adovcate for himself and isnt some drippy pushover. he's the less overtly affectionate of the two which i like. anyway there is alot of sex but it didnt bore me. i cant say that its esp enlightening or important to the story or characters but it was pleasing to look at and what more can i ask in my R18 webtoons? lol. so yeah if u like friends to lovers and a top that is SUPER in love (kinda like taehee from banana scandal) then this will prob be a nice way to kill 1-2 hrs. (altho this is very vanilla, there is one scene with Kink, so like school girl uniform, spanking, a blindfold, stuff like that. figured it's worth a mention). it is always amusing to me to see which men can get away with doing what to their partners in these stories, its so clearly based around just how hot the readership at large thinks the guy is otherwise this guy wouldnt be getting more shit than the leads in other popular comics in the same genre. (not naming names cause this is a review and not a callout post lol)

Kiraide Isasete

Ongoing | Hijiki , ひじき | 2018 released
2025-02-03 03:41 marked

Nights Before Night

Complete | Kazuki Natsume | 2000 released
2020-12-18 04:06 marked

Room to Room

Complete | Lee Aru | 2000 released
1969-12-31 23:00 marked

Shounen No Kyoukai

Complete | akabeko | 2016 released
2020-12-11 03:52 marked

this story does some interesting thigns and im always here for an author who like TRIES something u know? instead of just the usual cliches. but yes you should read this asap. if u like omegaverse its a pretty darn thoughtful and dare i say critical? take on it. its deconstructive of alot of its popular tropes. tbh omegaverse has its usually presented makes little sense to me from a biological or even evo-psycho lens. rape isnt good for propagating the species. i cant beliieeeve i have to say that. the way rut makes alphas turn into violent slavering beasts is...nonsense. however the story does seem to think that IS messed up and approaches it seriously enough. and its also very romantic. there isnt that much sex in it but it is def a Mature title. but thats why i didnt add the smut tag. cause its not. it did manage to wring some tears out of me and thats not easy to do so. worth a read for sure. but yeah the twist in the first half of the story (and the changes in POV in the second half) really justify its existence alrdy even if the execution had been subpar (and imo it wasnt). so yes go forth and read!


Complete | MARUKIDO Maki | 2000 released

genuinely thoughtful and interesting. despite being about an erotica writer, there is only rly one proper sex scene? but its def pretty Adult throughout. Indigo no Kibun, the prequel aka backstory of the main guy here and his long time friend in this story, is more interesting (and sexy) than this one is but both are good and i recommend both. (i havent read it in full in english yet, just partially in english and then raws and then listening to the BLCD because my comprehension of spoken japanese vs written is like...continents apart lol). but yeah this story i read entirely translated thankfully so i can say with confidence that its a worthwhile but melancholic somewhat bittersweet read. (more sweet than bitter thankfully)