Tai's manga / #Beautiful Art(52)

Love or Hate(Yeongha)

Complete | Yeongha,Youngha,Bakdam | 2018 released

the best thing i can say about this BL ero webtoon is that it has a love triangle where i can see the appeal of both guys and relationships and the sex scenes are Really hot. EDIT: caught up and looked at the newest raws (101-104) and hoo boy my mains get back together, the breakup that was long time coming finally comes, there's some fun drama involving paparazzi and jealous little shits and possible Exposure of our main pair's sordid past all culimating in a beautiful reunion and reconnection that feels earned. also 101-104 is legit just...kissing, cuddling and fucking. like ty Yeongha my fields were DYING from the drought of sexy scenes and u finally watered my crops. and by crops i mean p**** Edit Final Thoughts: a beautiful and satisfying ending to an almost perfect series. top scores here kids! can def see myself re reading this one day (but uh maybe ill skim thru half of s3 cause hoo boy did it drag in parts...)

Winter Woods

Complete | cosmos,Van Ji | 2014 released
2020-07-01 23:16 marked

this is like a modern fairytale in the vein of Tim Burton (but less goth..y) and Guillermo del Toro (but less grotesque). To give an idea of the tone. And as for The story itself, you’ll see elements of tarzan, frankenstein, the shape of water and to a lesser extent pinocchio (he just wants to be a Real Boy! This can actually apply two characters in the main cast...) and dare i say a smidge of edward scissorhands? I do want to be clear though, its small elements that add a sense of what kind of story you’re in without feeling derivative or cliche at all. Perhaps the greatest achievement of this comic though is it somehow brought out serious pathos from a character that is a Talking Bird. (anyway i loved this so much pls read it)

Ludwig Revolution

Complete | yuki kaori | 2004 released
2020-07-03 16:09 marked

teenage me would have died for Yuki Kaori. also because of her ill always have a soft spot for super pretty boys with dark streaks. (not irl tho cause no boy irl looks that ethereal and beautiful so im Safe lol). anyway this manga was dark and creepy and had that excellent gothic romantic aesthetic. and the fact that the whole series is just various darker takes on traditional fairytales...well tbh alot of thee fairytales are already dark in their original incarnations but she does her own thing with them. finds a way to involve Ludwig in all of it somehow. hey Yuki can u make another one of these? her recent fare is less Goth and im sad about it.

Card Captor Sakura

Complete | Ohkawa Ageha | 1996 released
2020-07-03 16:14 marked

so pure, so wholesome, so perfect in both anime and manga form. formative af

Annarasumanara Manhwa

Complete | ha il-kwon | 2010 released
2020-07-20 23:18 marked

ha ilkwon did it again. and by it, i mean making me cry real tears. neway full review later

Blood Bank

Complete | silb | 2015 released

picked this up on a whim and holy shit this is so compelling? and also extremely sexy damn. one of the best BL comcis i've ever read. its such a damn shame the side stories or sequels to this story never happened and the author herself seems MIA from making comics for the last 3 years. anyway i loved this from start to end. it was sexy, it was romantic, it was thrilling, it even made me tear up once. it had great worldbuilding and lore. if it was lacking anything it was that like most BL it had almost zero women with speaking lines in it but otherwise it was just A+ work. and i seriously bummed that this webtoon artist has neither made sequel stories or a new comic period in the time since this one ended. truly a loss! hope she's doing ok. in the meantime im so gladi got to read this. and highly recommend it even to people who dont care for BL that much. (also the art is so vibrant and fluid and i loved the steampunk aesthetic it had going too.) anyway, im sad its all over now but at better a nice ending than a story that runs way longer than it needs to. also this is the best depiction of a bdsm style realtionship i've seen so far in any comic that features them. just really dived into the psychological aspects of it instead of just using the imagery for some kinky thrills. and then ofc there was a genuinely moving love story woven thru it too. cant say ive seen that pulled off so well before. anyway this work was A level and the sex scenes actually furthered the character arcs and relationship. and thats also what made them so entertaining to watch. (i would tbh read another 50 chpts of this story easily. why is it always the good comics that arent 100s of chpts long?)

Living Will

Complete | mina (미나),ziho | 2019 released

i keep thinking i wish i could spend more time with these women and their relationship but oh well. the ending has one of the ladies dying because ofc it does. but with so little build up to the climax there is p much no emotional payoff. also the way it goes from jeannette being surrounded by dudes trying to kill her, only to suddenly end up in a room sadly reading her dead gf's letter is...not everything Needs to be explained but that was a very weird narrative choice tbh. i rly cant rate it higher than this even tho i want to. so here's hoping the next GL comic i pick up will be more enjoyable.


Complete | chonamsae | 2000 released
2020-08-12 00:10 marked

gosh where doi start with this one? im surprised its not more popular and also Not surprised at the same time. i mean i am baffled that a 20 yr old woman NOT ending up in a relationship with a 38 yr old man at the end would be considered a bad thing by Anyone but also her actual endgame love interest is super hot so like why not? I do wish we got more of him and her together but thats clearly not that interesting to write about cause its ultimately friends to lovers and the tropes that go with that. which i dont mind! but i can see why Choe was more interest in portraying the female protaganist's first (and very sexy) love instead. while also making sure we all can rest at night knowing she's not going to ruin her life by marrying a man almost twice her age who also has a kid ffs. tbc im not big on age gaps esp when its the man that's older However i can totally understand why a younger person would want to fuck a notably older person, or have a crush on them. i just wouldnt root for them as a long term true endgame couple. it doesnt feel realistic to me as a coupling that would work irl for more than 5 yrs tops. Anyway, this is a nice coming of age josei style story with a distinctive art style and some really hot sex scenes like hoo buddy. My main complaint and why i didnt give it 5 stars is the underdeveloped and very depressing side story with the other female character in the larger cast. i just felt like we didnt need to see her suffer so much. tho im glad she got to have her first love and a cute kid by her side at the end at least. i do love that there are 3 interesting female characters and all of them are distinct from each other. Also one of them is a sexy ass butch lesbian who has a one night stand with the female lead like Damn Ms choe, way to hit me right where i live. anyway i def rec reading this just brace yourself for some sexual assault, rape and domestic violence in a couple of chapters. (most of which is tbh skippable...)

Classic BL Theater

Complete | Byeol,Bo | 2019 released

oh my gad this is HILARIOUS. i've only read the first story (i love a good anthology tbh) which is a bonkers take on the popular korean folktale of Chunhyang. i wont summarize it here, if u dont know it you must go wiki or google it cause knowing it will allow to appreciate how hysterical that first story is. the sex scenes are short but nice. i gotta say the story kept giggling enough that i wouldnt have noticed if there was no sexy times at all. EDIT: well finished it (all chpt now available in eng on tappytoon). and it was delightful from start to finish. definitely liked some stories more than others but i did enjoy the variation in size and shape among the tops and the bottoms and funny and not always obvious way the writer would spin each fairytale or folktale in her attempts to make then funnier and super gay. anyway def recommend it!

Fucked by My Best Friend

Ongoing | Yupopo orishima | 2019 released
2024-09-26 02:02 marked