Tai's manga / #BL(107)


Complete | Marloong | 2000 released
2020-10-25 16:00 marked

i have so many mixed feelings on this...like there's a good heartfelt theme to this story and it has alot of good characterizatioin and a very interesting setting. altho this was DEF written by a person who has never spent a notable amount of time in america cause the racial dynamics of the friendships here is...it just wouldnt go down this way irl is all im sayin but i am still glad to see all these black folks in the comic just bein regular people and not stereotypes despite being written by a native korean who prooobably hasnt interacted with a ton of them in her real life. that said i think koreans arent as rare of unicorns as she seems to think they are in this urban large city devlopment these characters seem to live in. but the racism they would go thru is def very true. whether it would go down quite like This tho....and this leads me into what my real issue is with this story. The amount of pure unmitigated torment that Sehyun goes thru in this story is just Too Much. esp when i know he is never gonna get the trauma counseling and sexual assault survivors group meetings that he truly desperately needs. but these stories are always about trauma victims being healed by Love. i do appreciate that the love Sehyun recieves is from a family and community of people and not just one guy who is his White Knight. and in fact his white knight in question is a pretty flawed complicated person himself. which i appreciated. but there's a way to indicate that sehyun went through Alot without...showing us in excruciaating detail every single fucked up thing he went thru? after a while it felt..fetishizing and sadistic in a way it didnt NEED to be. and its esp troublesome cause unlike other BL stories that overuse rape as a form of titilation in their dark smutty stories...this story is taking the abusive actions VERY seriously and grounding them in the real world. but then its also trying to treat them the way alot of darker BL involving rape would. again as a Sex Scene and not as a fuckin nightmare which is what this boy has been enduring. i dont think these scenes are meant to be very sexy but they are clearly showing more than needed to just make their point, which is why i think its being treated in a way that feels inappropriate to the actual subject matter here. like these are rapes in the realest sense that they are meant to dehumanize, to punish, to dominate, to torture etc this poor kid (and from a VERY young age)...like the fact that he is not only assaulted by his father figure...multiple times...and we see it everytime...im like...FFS. it was too much! anyway once he gets out of that environment and these men are dealt with by the police. i was hoping the rest of the story would be consensual sex and healing for sehyun. but nooope, the writer still felt she needed more fucked up rape scenes but this time with the bonus that sehyun Resists! cause he doesnt think he's trash anymore! wow growth! except...thats....so victim blamey??? like it implies that if sehyun had tried harder to resist and hadnt bought into the fucked up gaslighting and mental conditioning he was literally being raised in at one point wrt the worthlessness of his body and person...that he coudla got out sooner or smth and im like...what the fuck? idk if thats what the writer was Trying to say. but it felt HELLA sus. showing that sehyun has broken out of his self loathing mindset could've been done without being assaulted again (and Again. Tho tbf it wasnt shown and the other time he manages to get away but jfc after What??). Idk if that scene where he yells at his abuser is supposed to feel cathartic and inspiring but all i felt was sad that this kid still has to go thru this shit and have to fight this battle Alone. ffs. In conclusion, this is not a bad comic, but it is a very frustrating one. its got its heart in the right place (mostly) but the execution really tried every ounce of my patience. i dont recommend it but i also cant say its worthless trash either. just up to whether the unusual setting and distinctive characters are enough of a draw to make u stick thru this to the (genuinely sweet) ending or not. i mean i did, but i still dont know if i should have~

Make Me Bark

Complete | Sagold | 2017 released
2020-10-02 03:56 marked

this is cute and light but not exactly a must read. everyone in it is very beautiful tho. and i do enjoy it when i read it but i also dont feel compelled to keep reading it after a few chpts. its so short at 35 chpts but i've been reading this thing for over a month now cause every few chpts im distracted by something else much more interesting. that said it feels wrong rating it only 2 stars when its so genuinely sweet and wholesome and there isnt anything in particular that bothers me about it? unlike when i rate stuff 2 stars its usually cause i kept reading it in spite of my better judgement lol. but this one rly is quite pleasant. i just wish i cared more about anything that was going on in it at any given time.... (also for a comic named Make me Bark with a guy in a collar on the promo image...there is not neaaarly enough pet play going on. this is false advertising ill have you know!!)

You’re My Favorite Toy

Complete | Arashi arima | 2019 released
2020-09-26 16:53 marked

another short and sweet (and smutty!) one for the archives. this one coulda been longer, since one of the leads is implied to be kind of a...sociopath? not in the secret serial killer super scary way. but more like he cant process or feel emotion the way neurotypical people do. i thought this take was very refreshing cause no every human being with this kind of psychology automatically becomes a monster. (and there's PLENTY of peope who arent DSM certified sociopaths that ARE monstrous.) anyway this is not even a big factor in their dynamic nor do we even find out about it until the second to last chpt. but there's def plenty of signs that he's kinda....Off before that reveal. anyway he's a sadist in the way i like, rather than enjoying causing pain both physical and mental, he more just likes to play games and takes alot of enjoyment out of the reactions he can elicit in others. he's also gorgeous tbqh! hes got both the Typical "seme" traits and some more distinctive traits that makes him more than a cliche. same with the one occupying the "uke" role in this story. i will say it seems like it'll be some kind of psychological thriller briefly or at least involve alot of fucked up sex but instead its mostly kind of eccentric? and ultimately pretty...wholesome? it was def not what i expected! and in such a popular genre full of boring cliches and overused tropes. its always nice to read something thats not quite like anything else you've read prior. so i rec this but i do have a caveat which is that once the dark haired guy's true self is revealed to our blonde cocky rich boy bottom...he is like OMG...and then just accepts it. i mean he's more open minded than i would be in his position lol. maybe if the series was longer we would've gotten actual fallout from that reveal but anyway it was still a fun read tbh.

Like a Tidal Wave - from Pheromone Shower

Complete | Chilyong | 2000 released
2020-09-26 19:17 marked

this is genuinely such a fun and sexy story? and once the romance aspect kicks in its also incredibly sweet. and as always i give extra points when we get some Surprise! Lesbians in the supporting cast. i highly recommend this its one of my fave omegaverse stories and i wish it was longer tbh. but like this is the ONLY omeverse i've seen where the couple switches. like it shouldnt be a big deal but imo it is. the idea that ur secondary sex determines what position u like in bed is a bit...like why does that decide ur Role? or ur personality traits? the omega in this story is macho, cool, charismatic and incredibly rich. he would be an alpha in ANY other story but not in this one! meanwhile the actual Alpha passes as a dopey beta boy who gets roped into the omega's bad boy shenanigans only to turn out to not be so hapless and harmless himself. he's still a sweetheart and a very loving doting partner. cant ask for better tbh. omegaverse done well! its rarer than you think.

If You Hate Me So

Complete | Fargo | 2016 released
2020-09-28 23:21 marked

i sure have mixed feelings about this one. like the main couple is rly more of a 2 star story to me. rather its the secondary couples and characters that rly make this interesting. and their story is mostly in the sides. and the main couple becomes alot more lovable in the sides as well. to the point that i felt like the story i got in the main series was not only much weaker but practically by a different author when compared to the far better written and complex relationship dynamics present in the Sides. which rly worked more like a spin off series than just addendums to the main story. anyway its weird cause ic ant rly rec this work cause of the extremely problematic main story that also traffics in alot of the usual unfortunate BL tropes (yall know the ones) and none of it is sexy enough to make me handwave or ignore the problematic af parts of it. however it IS kind of necessary to at least skim the main story to have the context and setup to fully appreciate the side stories which i DO highly recommend. tho they arent without flaws ofc. its def worth reading whereas the main story on its own would be completely disposable (and unpleasant). there's so much warmth and sweetness present in the main couple in the side stories that we never rly got in the main storyline and its baffling to me. in conclusion i liked this alot better than Love is an Illusion and this version of the main couple that makes an appearance in the sides of This comic are also alot more interesting to me than their incarnations in LIAI. in conclusion I hate some of the things she made the main couple blonde dude do in the main series but he sure was a sight to behold. which is to say very hot. too bad he was like a volatile scary bully who spent most of the main series terrorizing his love interest cause thats sexy i guess? (i guess comparatively Dojin in LIAI is less problematic...but he kinda sucks too so. at least i cant accuse this story of being boring considering what a time bomb the Top was...)

Megumi and Tsugumi

Ongoing | Si Mitsuru | 2018 released
2024-03-09 08:02 marked

um wow i LOVE this? its def the most fun omegaverse i've read. and tbh it rly feels like a story about two ridiculous teen boys falling in love that just happens to be set in omegaverse. its so funny and sweet and super sexy and dare i say? roomaaaantic. tsugumi joins the super short list of omegas and or "ukes" who are NOT to be fucked with. he's a force of furious nature that is more than a match for the fairly strong himself Megumi. but..he's also a total blockhead lol. i love him so much. and megumi is a true gentleman even in the face of a wild dog in human form like tsugumi. aall he wants is to shower his boyfriend with love but his boyfriend is a madman and a fool so...its hard. anyway i highly rec this one folks.

Sex Drop

Complete | Shikke | 2000 released
2020-10-03 16:14 marked

i'll make this short and lead with: I liked this and you should all read it. but it did have some Problematic elements tho imo they are mild and in line with the light bdsm themes in it. the male lead is another sort of oddball with a slightly sinister side like the one in You're My Favorite Toy. however this one doesnt rly have sociopathic tendencies and seems more of an introverted loner type (largely by choice). and the other half of the couple, the "slutty" blonde isnt rly anything like his also blonde counterpart in that story. i read these two very close to each other and saw some mild similarities esp in the couples looks. anyway, i didnt like this one as much as Toy but i did like it alot and altho it doesnt start out too romantic it does achieve a quiet sweetness by the end. its def a believable love story imo. and its the kind of oddball love and smut story that one can rly only find in japanese bl comics (vs korean bl webtoons which have some great entries dont get me wrong! but no one does Weird as successfully and frequently as Japan does. just facts). this manga can be purchased on Renta English and i highly recommend u purchase at least one chpt if u like it (or leave a review recommending it on their site).

Bitten By Moonlight

Complete | Chada | 2019 released
2020-10-12 04:04 marked

i loved this and it was super hot, the art is gorgeous and im SO upset that it ended so quickly. i hope this lady makes more stuff. im watching her page on bomtoon just in case...(also there was enough plot to make me want to read more beyond hot sex scenes...too bad ;_;)

My Raw Love Life with a Male Demon

Ongoing | Yusatona | 2000 released
2021-03-08 07:20 marked

this is so silly and so wholesome and also rly smutty at the same time. its about as light a read as u can get but it doesnt leave a bad taste in my mouth like some other porn with barely a plot that i can name rn...istg the mangakas put way more effort into even the dumbest BLs than any TL manga i've seen so far. and ive seen alot now. (also why are the actually interesting looking guys always in the yaoi and not in the het stuff? conversely i find myself gravitating to the japanese bl more these days cause there's a bit more variation in body types and appearance than there is in the korean bl webtoons. altho there's some great bl webtoons. at least there's also some great josei style smutty webtoons too.....japan pls..where is ur good het smut? i KNOW it exists!!! so WHERE IS IT?). anyway go ahead and read this if ur bored and want a giggle with ur fap material idk.


Complete | ORISHIMA Yupopo | 2015 released
2020-10-18 21:18 marked

i dont have a ton to say about this except that i quite liked it. its not anything too special but its fairly sexy and sweet albeit the guy's in this arent rly My Type so to speak. (looks wise anyway). i dont have anything esp negative to say about it or positive. i think it woulda benefited from being a bit longer but im also fine to see it end where it did. its the very model of a B grade work. (worth reading! but not a Must read). this manga can also be purchased or rented on Renta's english site (erenta!). im definitely more fond of Yurishima's other work (currently on coolmic) Guro Gyaru ni Natte Kara which i refuse to call by its english name (but the literal translation would...not have worked either tbf lol). unfortunately that one is only available in the vertical scrolling aka tatekomi format which i hate! it cuts up full manga pages into individual panels, enlarges said panels and then releases chpts that are only 9 pages out of say 30 page chpt. its not coolmic doing this, they just translate it. it just sucks that renta couldnt get to it first and release it in its book aka manga format instead.) anyway this has a cold aloof bottom and a more lively warm top so thats always refreshing to me. i want to say its friends to lovers but...they werent rly friends? more like acquiantences? idk. its cute. read it if ur bored.