Tai's manga / #Adult(45)

Nemuri Otoko to Koi Otoko

Complete | Zaria,Zariya Ranmaru | 2015 released
2020-11-06 06:08 marked

a very simple very sexy love story between a punk looking gay guy and his long blonde haired bestie crush coworker because zariya seems to rly like that combination. (i agree with you sis! long hair is turn on for me too!) anyway the art is GORGEOUS. the story isnt esp complex but its not pointless or stupid, its a good catalyst for the two guys reflecting on their feelings and relationship. but mostly its a good device to introduce lots of super hot gorgeously illustrated (consensual!) sex. and so if u want smth meaty then u wont find it here but if u want some good ass easy to follow but still mature and thoughtful erotica then here it is! a BL for the discerning and critical perverts among us. lol.

Anata wa Iyarashii Hito

Complete | Kashima Kotaru,KASHIMA Kotaru | 2016 released
2020-10-30 20:15 marked

another really sexy and Erotic one with gorgeous art that i finished recently ish. anyway, this one def gets dark and seedy but not rapey and abusive at least not with the actual main couple, there is hints of that in the male lead's past. i say male lead cause we almost entirely have the story filtered thru his pov and he is the bottom if that matters to yall lol. anyway he's a hardcore masochist and sub and i LOVE to see it. i only rly get into sadomaso stories when the maso is deeply into it and even seeking it out. so many stories with this dynamic tend to favor the pov of the sub yes but usually in a way where he is kinda pulled into the relationship in spite of themselves or even against their own wishes. i hate that shit. i'll take dubcon where one party is hesitant but then turns out to LOVE it vs a consensual sex scene that ends with one person kind of enduring or tolerating it instead. who wants to read that? thats not sexy! Anyway, this story is actually pretty interesting however it IS short so only so much can be expanded upon but it is thoughtful and gets into the masochistic cop's psychology well enough. the top isnt actually a sadist and is instead his younger extremely devoted and loving work partner and kouhai. so he takes on a more dominant role in sex to please his crush but it suits him fine and they have a great time together albeit it takes a while for them to be an official couple because of the shame and guilt that the lead guy is dealing with the entire story. but we get some insight into why when we learn more about his past (and last relationship) and anyway i was pretty satisfied with the ending and only regret there wasnt more but it didnt feel like a non ending or an abrupt ending. anyway if u like a bit of action and kink in ur erotic BL then this is a good pick. esp when paired with the stunning art. (and despite how darkly erotic it isthe top is rly such a good guy who adores the lead to bits and helps learn to love himself again. but thankfully that doesnt mean he doesnt still enjoy kinky sex. rly hate it when trauma = only able to have kinky sex ccause kinky sex means there's smth wrong with you~~ smh!)

Renai Fuyuki Todoki

Complete | nagi wataru | 2000 released
2020-11-02 03:51 marked

this is a really controversial one and i understand why tbh. however i read all of it and i didnt hate it. nor did i think the writer made a bad choice. it IS highly problematic and does a thing that alot of BLs even ones with dubcon dont do. which is...they call the dubcon what it would be in real life: rape. and have the person react in a way a real life person would to a sex act they didnt fully consent to: rage and despair and terror. its especially a gutsy choice for the writer to take because this guy is not only the lead love interest but a guy the bottom Kurama was deeply infatuated with for YEARS. and yet despite getting his wish to be with his crush it goes horribly wrong and turns into a nightmare instead of a dream come true. now thats hard to accept if u want a typical romance and erotic scenes and i respect that. for me tho this choice was very interesting imo and it kept me wondering how their relationship would work if ever esp when Kurama p much rejects him COMPLETELY after the act is committed and they dont even get to see each other again for 3 years. after which there's been some serious self reflection on both their parts. i do think the context is interesting, he did want to sleep with Kento (mostly referred to as Kirishima in the manga tho but i aint writing out all that!) just not at that time because he was clearly not emotionally ready for a myriad of reasons we the readers know from hearing his thoughts for almost 2 whole chpts. meanwhile Kento it turns out was also hardcore pining and lusting after Kurama the entire time. the dark irony that both of them deeply desired each other yet feared being rejected or being disgusting to the other causing them both to suppress their feelings until they explode in the WORST way. kento takes kurama's confession of his crush and his desires to have sex but not accept himself as a gay man and live his life honest with his desires...as p much a greenlight for kento to give kurama "what he wants" in spite of kurama saying otherwise cause in kento's mind..thats secretly what kurama wants even if he cant admit it to himself...and in another manga thats how it would go. that night would awaken smth in kurama and after some reluctance they'd become a couple, instead that's NOT what happens. kurama calls Kento a rapist and tells him to fuck off and Kento is so shocked by this reaction (he genuinely was not reading Kurama's clear protests as sincere) and spends the night alone and crying and feeling so guilty. it was rly angsty intense stuff. and again a gutsy choice cause i think a ton of readers NOPE'd right out of the story after that. but i admired this take. they do ofc eventually become a couple and work it out but not without that 3 year gap in time where Kento matures some and apologizes sincerely while Kurama realizes he cant keep denying himself what he wants and who he is. i DO think the writer tries to have it both ways sometimes. where kurama was like "you wronged me!" and while also saying he "acted like" he didnt want it and tried to guilt kento and like...did you want it or DIDNT you, please be consistent. kento does however repeatedly say he forced him cause he wanted him so badly and figured kurama would accept him eventually if he made him come and told kurama he wants to date him. which again in another manga is how it would go. like oh that was mean but...since i came and u are sincere about me i guess its ok! nope bitch not this time! that said even when they reunite it take sa while for kurama to be honest with himself or kento and the sex scenes while hot are still not very gentle and loving right away. there's still alot of tension between them even as they cant ignore their attraction to each other. anyway! this is a long review because i felt like i cant explain why i think this is a good story and worth reading without going into detail. i dont think it deserves such a (comparatively) low rating among BL mangas because i think it takes alot of risks and the art is great and the sex is erotic and intense. its rly hard to look away even when ur like OH NO. anyway it worked for ME but i do get why alot of people werent into it and i do think knowing what ur going into will help alot when reading this. so the scene itself doesnt shock and take the reader by surprise we can actually think about and reflect on what the author was going for. on another note this is an erotic bl that has SO much dialogue and thought bubbles and narration. like way more than i usually see in these kinds of stories. its a very wordy and emotionally rich story and i love that about it. i wouldnt call it a favorite but i do think its way better than it's given credit for being. and thats that on that. (i do still like the spin off Lost Virgin more and think it works better as a Romance but its not quite as thrilling or intense as a story. imo. its sexy as hell tho!). PS: i cant recommend the BLCD of this highly enough. its so well acted seriously. it helped me appreciate the story alot more too. the voice on the guy who plays Kento? hoooo *fans self*

Lost Virgin (Nagi Wataru)

Complete | nagi wataru | 2019 released
2020-11-09 19:12 marked

this was so sexy omgggg. but also the couple was really cute? its just a 236 page story and i read it in one evening. it was exactly what i needed it to be. this story is very sweet indeed. also how can i be mad about a man who is a martial artist drag queen super hottie? like and its implied he's bi. that ever so rare bi rep...anyway this is great and every1 who loves love or smut or bl should read it. (i took it down a star cause of the whole "saving my beloved from sexual assault with my FISTS!!" trope is smth im just kind of over. that said it didnt piss me off but it is a hacky writing choice. im sry but i had to take off points. i take my role as a conossieur of filth on the internet very seriously you see.

My Special Squishy Someone

Complete | Ddasoom | 2000 released

this was truly...an Experience. it was just so bizarre. it was rly kinky and perverted but also rly sweet? anyway the dream man in this story is a tentacle monster and u can bet this smut manga gets hella mileage out of that. while the female lead starts out as a wallflower she gets more agency and backbone as the story progresses. i do apprecaite that its mostly from her pov. this didnt blow me away or anything and the art is kinda standard webtoon style art. that lacks the fluidity and expressiveness of manga style art but has the benefit of nice coloring to sometimes fall back on. the coloring isnt that special here tho. nor is the style memorable or distinctive. the story is very distinctive beccause i dare say i cant htink of any other porntoon with a male love interest whose true form is a tentacle monster of unknown origin. also the female lead well she's just the lead rly, is never assaulted by him like it would be a lie to say there isnt like tentacle rape hentai shenanigans but none of them involve the main character who is treated with care and affection by tentacle man from the start. he's also very nice to look at in his human form. im easy 2 please ok. anyway this is super short and a breezy read. (it coulda honestly stood to be even shorter, or rather i woulda read another 10 chpts of them being weird and domestic together and would have been glad if the secondary guy and antagonist of sorts had fucked off way earlier than he did.) also the crazy lady who appears later on doesnt die horribly at the end which i appreciate. i mean she's a terrible person but if that shitty coworker of main character got to live then so does the crazy bitch who likes wild sex! albeit the coworker is the kind of banal dbag u can meet in real life and the female antagonist was more like a full on anime villainess. just wild. (srsly this webtoon is SO outside the box and yet strangely predictable at the same time?). ne way its decent het porntoon if u ask me but u wont be missing out on a masterpiece or anything if u skip it.

Gachiiki Chouhatsu Night

Complete | ikuyasu | 2016 released
2020-11-15 04:04 marked

Its Good and You should READ IT. Anyway the relationship is actually properly developed. the sex is Hot and the guys are each interesting characters in their own right and not 2D cliches. their problems are like Real relationship problems and their happy ending feels so earned. all the sex is consensual and often enthusiastically so. we love 2 see it! (if you end up liking this one i also recommend 24 Hour Kiss, and Kore Mo Shigoto Desu aka Another Hard Day at Work because these 3 have a shared theme of workplace couples with a younger light haired top x an older dark haired Salaryman bottom. with the light haired top either being an engineer, a makeup designer or programmer. like...its like they exist in this very specific genre but they are all pretty distinct from each other and all of them are sexy and good. but anyway thats an essay for another day~ this one def has the coolest more "otokomae" style bottom of the 3 tho. with the other Ossan (uncle type) bottoms being more uncle-y lol. but in a sexy way! sexy uncles! anyway i havent written up my reviews for those two yet cause im lazy. i will eventually tho!)

Liquor & Cigarette

Complete | Zariya Ranmaru | 2000 released

zariya ranmaru strikes again with the sexy couples and the beautiful art. now with beautifully tanned bottom boy. but there isnt much to this story tbh. its very much all Atmosphere. pretty setting, pretty drawings, sweet but straightforward love story. the usual im in love with my straight bff what do i doooo? dilemma. basically an inverse of the situation in Sleeping Man where the long haired lanky babe is the straight one, this time its the short haired muscle bottom thats the straight one. (zariya has a Type and she will stick to it so help her god lol.)

Neon Sign Amber

Complete | OGERETSU Tanaka | 2015 released
2020-12-07 06:04 marked

the "bottom" aka submissive in the relationship is a gorgeous tan blonde haired gyaru type but a man. (is their a name for a male version of gyaru style? idk). colored nails, lots of jewelry, promiscuous and sexy. he falls in love with a buttoned up straight laced tradtional handsome salaryman and its a sweet short thoughtful (and emotional) story about two dudes who are very different trying to work thru their feelings for each other. this one actually acknowledges homophobia as the gyaru boy was horribly bullied in his past for being VERY obviously queer even as a child and its pretty traumatic stuff (no rape in this story tho thankfully), what he goes thru is awful tho so TW for that. and the black haired top does fail to do the right thing at one point but it makes his reformation into a staunch defender (and lover) of Sena (gyaru cutie) all the more satisfying imo. i want to rate it higher but i feel like the story needed a bit more space to breathe and while i liked it and recommend it i cant call it a fave and only faves get 4 and up stars. sry those r the Rules.

Nights Before Night

Complete | Kazuki Natsume | 2000 released
2020-12-18 04:06 marked


Ongoing | Jinmi | 2000 released
2021-06-08 17:06 marked

this is just pure PWP and I love it. its all those gross bizarro hentai some of u have definitely watched before.. (i was a curious child ok, dont u judge me!). but tis time for Da Ladies and in webtoon format. while kind of. its a webtoon that tries to mimic porno mobile otome games. I do love when a porn gets structurally ambitious lol.