Nanohana Boys
jfc I love this :D it deals with heavy issues but its tone remains hopeful and positive, that's a rare thing to find in korean webcomics, I think NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT'S OVER ALREADY???? I loved this so much, and I never stopped hoping for any kind of romance to pop up. Didn't really happen, but that didn't make this any less amazing. And the end is open enough for me to dream ;D ;D
Tadaima, Okaeri dj - Oni Taiji!
OH MY GOD I ALMOST CRIED my heart was seizing up because I felt so bad for Hii-kun <3 he's the most adorable little toddler, and he's so strong and cute and precious and I can't even *brb crying from emotional overload*
On Doorstep
is it over already?? I want, like, five more volumes of this!
Shirouto Yankee Kikiippatsu!!
fuck. the art, the plot, the characters, the sexy times - everything's on point :D definitely a guilty pleasure!
Aku yori Aku