Limited Run
This was super interesting! It took a cliche theme and made it into a fairly complex web of characters and ideas. It had a dark undertone to it which kept the plot fresh and interesting. The smut was too faced pace for the nature of the characters in the beginning, but it began to make sense why the author did it that way as you progressed through. It was very good and it is most definitely a reread!
Hitsuji ni Narasete itadakimasu
Lmao it was weird but cute
My Invincible Vitality
The hottest guy in manga ever, Boshiyama was a welcomed surprise. The plot was great and interesting the smut consistent and hot really really really god and most definitely a reread.
Dangerous Convenience Store
It was fantastic! So complex with good developments and detailed characters. So so so so good️
Okusama wa Alpha