Cherry Blossoms After Winter
Omega Bite
summary cuz i keep forgetting: Uke is an alpha born in a beta/alpha household? and is part of an all alpha student council group. He keeps taking inhibitors to stop his rut and pheromones and one day he suddenly gets unwell and after visiting the doctor finds out that he is transitioning to an omega. Dude freak outs, somehow meets seme who is a researcher and has been working on a drug that prevents the transition (seme finds out because his dad is the doctor? i think). Uke then proposes that he'll sleep with the seme for the pills. This goes on for a while until he decides to stop it and somehow things do downhill and then he rushes back to the seme again. At the end, idont remember if they showed it or hinted it but the pills the seme was given accelerated uke's transition from alpha to omega just so that he could monopolize the uke.
Curious Recipe