every chapter I read of the side story, more the rating kept going down
chp 96: uhmm... stand up please like actually stand up there are disbaled people who have more willpower than you when it comes to standing up. You keep saying he is kind, "i can see a glimpse of him old kind self" when was he kind WHENNN HE LITERALLY CHOKED YOU WHEN HE WAS COSPLAYING AS HIS KIND SELF BUDDY PLEASEEE
he DOES NOT WANT YOU HE IS SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO HYUK. Has made his moves on him and will choose Hyuk over you ANY DAY. He'll leave you in a heartbeat in fact he can't 'leave you' cuz u guys aren't even together. He's just using you as a fucking replacement. Move out of his place and meet a dude who ACTUALLY SEES YOU FOR YOU LIKE he has made me forget you name cuz he KEEPS CALLING YOU HYUK
Chp 98: if his self-respect were a human i would give it a hug cuz its buried 6 feet deep in the ground. But am glad that he’s slowly uk starting to stand up. Hopefully he stays stood for ljke the rest of his life and finds a WAYYY BETTER MAN but ik that wont happen. I just hope he doesnt give in like IMMEDIATELY and actually has the seme pay for it
Stranger Than Friends