One Punch-man Dj - Zenbu Tanin No Sei Da...!!
Would've liked it more if the roles were reversed, but it's undeniable that this was pretty amazing! <3
Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Hi Shizumu Machi no Tenshi
FUCKING HOLDiNg OUT 1 STAR UNTIL THEY REUNITE, BITCHES. Otherwise, this would be perfect because it's fucking COOK X SPY. What the fuck, so great.
Shingeki no Kyojin - Reluctant Heroes (Doujinshi)
Oi what the fuck was that ending. All comedy gold and shit THEN BAM they throw the fucking feels like a knife to my heart. Also, 6/5 for Levi's abs.
Shingeki No Kyojin Dj - Omegaverse Milk
FUCK YES. ALL I NEEDED. OMEGA LEVI. COULDN'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING FOR SHIT THOUGH. WARNING: Lactation. It's not a kink for everybody. xD UPDATE: Just read the English translated version, MEIN GOTT. When Erwin said, "Your majesty." I died inside. This was too sweet and too dirty. I need a shower.
Free! dj - Kamitsukikei Shoukougun
Makoto is a fucking carnivore. I love it.
Free! Dj - September Orca
Kuroko no Basuke dj - Shishunki - Kise Ryouta no Baai
Would've been 5/5 had it been longer but this was nice overall. Felt like an episode of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi. : )
Shark - Free! dj