Katsuai Monster
1st story is about Kabutani (seme) a man eater who survives on human energy After knowing Makoto (Uke) for a while he becomes infatuated by him After Makoto prohibits him to have sex with him did he finally understand that he was in love with him. And that that was the reason why Makoto's aroma was so intoxicating. 2nd story. Haruta (Uke) joined the track and field Sport only because he fell in love with Adachi (Seme) after he saw him getting injured while running but still continue the competition. 2 yrs after the incident Adachi becomes Haruta's coach and after all the demonstrations of love from Haruta Adachi fell in love with him and continue Training him (or doing him lol)
Toukyou Yaban no Chizu
I know a lot of people didn't like this story but I quite did Maybe is because I had already read another part to this but somehow I can't find it. This was a story about shinora(Suke) a demon devourer The funny thing about this story Is that everything was fixed by having sex lol Even tho I still enjoyed the storyline even tho it was confusing at times
Monster Idols