Brutal: Satsujin Kansatsukan no Kokuhaku
Nii-chan (harada)
it was a good manga ngl it touched upon an issue that could rlly happen irl, it was very realistic hella concerning, twisted and the last part just i do not have the words to describe him, the guy did not rlly deserve what he had to go through they both did not deserve it, he was traumatized, he didn't rlly have a good example of what it meant to be loved and so he sought love towards an older man, but his trauma should never bring him to what he has done to the child, his trauma does not excuse what he has done, he took a child's innocence away for revenge and yet the child still choose to love him twisted just utterly twisted i have no words but the portrayal of p3d0ph!li4/gr00m!ng was rlly portrayed in a twisted, realistic way. ALSO MAJOR TRIGGER WARNING ️
Shokuryou Jinrui