Obey Me
Am I a slut for stories with trans characters who get happy endings? Yes I am. Honestly not terrible, doesn’t romanticize the abuse even if it sexualises it. And yeah. Trans woman character, even if she’s not the best rep, she’s referred to with female pronouns even after the “reveal”.
If You Do Not Obey Me
Rape and abuse apologism (Protag is kidnapped, abused, and raped a lot but it’s all ok because he falls in love with his captor, and it’s not intended to be Stockholm syndrome), terrible dialogue, plot holes, bad/wtf story and plot, gets worse as it goes along. The only good character gets a bad ending and we don’t know what really happens to him. The art was good and the story started out with potential. That’s literally all it has going for it.
Jikan Akima Jinbutsu