53 ok not bad. actually see the rs develop
6 - true, mc was just tryna be friendly. But it’s not like he did anything evil, ml went too far instigating him
7 - satisfying revenge
17 - i like that even tho mc likes ml face and they had sex, mc isnt acting bashful towards ml but nonchalent. ml also seems unamused by mc leaving him for kang
19 - ml chasing away mc's hookup what a jerk
24 - jealous ml
33 - asking abt mc’s friends
38 - i’d be annoyed too if ml kept doubting me
39 - tbf this is a very realistic confrontation toward an overly possessive & controlling partner esp when they’re just f buddies
43 - ehhh i thought the argument was just ml being manipulative but he actl likes mc?
44 - oh wow, ml totally changed his boundaries now that mc is allowed in his inner circle
45 - bj
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