You're My Prey - I Can't Believe I'm Being Eaten by an Herbivorous Rabbit!
Syuuchaku Alpha no Chioukyou Method
3 the rape and misunderstandings..
Puppy Play with Papa
7 This is actually pretty messed up… ML forced MC to sell his body for work to a client, then raped him, but still fucked his stepdad… but it was hot when stepdad sucked MC’s sick lol the bjs are drawn rly well
Kawaikunai Aniki o Aegasu Houhou
reread 99 pause 181...idk what to say…i’m invested but conflicted. there’s a lot family drama. quite good tho. and seth keeps getting raped??? but later on his dynamic with horus was quite cute fav: 85, 91, 113, 125, 133 , 136 11 - hathor gives horus mirror 16 - omg i needa backread… seth kissed horus??? 17 - seth snatched mirror from hathor, just nice horus looked into mirror and saw seth, horus enter mirror, hathor snapped n use fire 20 - horus leave mirror, nyth tells him to tell seth abt her 29 - HORUS SLEEPING NAKED + seth try to rape horus, SETH GROPE HORUS BOOB 30 - mirror activates, horus rape seth, HORUS BALLS 32 - seth gets flashback to osiris rape, horus kiss + bj + fk seth, uke tries to run n gets dragged back 34 - osiris take out horus seed from seth 74-75 - horus rapes seth 97 - FINALLY horus arrives 122 - FG rape seth 124 - use earring to get horus attention 125 - sekhmet echoes in horus 128 - size diff 135: seth tells horus to go ez on anubis, so he thinks horus is stronger 136 - well that wasss… insensitive of seth to use horus’ feelings for him 138, 139 - jealous 143 - horus face reveal 145 - kiss 146 - horus confess + “marry me” + AT FIRST it looked noncon but on closer look, seth mostly seemed more embarrassed than 100% rejecting sex. like he’s def not ready for it and horus shoulda gone slower but seth never did kick or slap horus’ face. plus when horus actually stopped, he was like what happened? instead of finally! 150 - pokémon i choose u + horus n beardie arguing is so funny 152 - seth rebutting beardie so satisfying 154 - jealous horus, funny beardie. interesting that seth seems kinda accepting of horus’ affections since he indulges horus jealousy and easily orders horus ard. 163 - Jesus says horus is obsessed, couple fluff 165 - seth feels weak when horus takes care of him 166 - seth kissing horus to inhale air 167 - jealous horus 168 - FLUFF + seth scared of being dependent on horus 174 - this is why osiris is in hell 175 - horus doesn’t want neph to regain memories 177 - Horus would go to war for seth 180 - seth reject woman to secure horus 181 = R186 (s2 ch106) - jealous horus & seth? KISS! “your man” raws: >>> newtoki341 non-mature ver. of ch74: TINY SETH R S2C97: - Flashback, Neph tells Horus to tell Seth about her, but he refuses. He never tells her why, simply no. Distraught, mirrorNeph screams out why as she sees him leave the mirror world. Her screams cause IRL Neph to feel the horror. Horus never lost his memories. (YANDERE) - Nephthys' secret is that she's not real, merely the memories of her love for Seth. Horus left intact with his memories because he saw who he loves. Nephthys saw Osiris! She never loved him???!!i
A Tree Without Roots
21 i HATE people who try to send victims back to their abusers. >> best not to reread chapters before 9...
Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Mihitsu no Koi ni Yoru Ai
2 super messed up. eren keeps impregnating levi against his will, levi takes abortion pills, eren kills dealer.
Toshishita Yakuza wa Kojirasedanshi