On or Off
63 This is so good argh. The amount of second-hand embarrassment I felt the first like, 50 chapters, was so bad... I kept screaming “no no STOP” in my head @ the MC... and cheered when he kept trying to keep a business mindset or approach towards their interactions. How satisfying it felt, when the tables turned and we saw the ML’s POV and struggles towards his feelings for the MC. It reminded me of the main couple’s story in Viewfinder. The ML is so HOT and omg. Daddy.
Fight on! Yeo manager
I love this sm and the FMC is da bomb. I swear it’s like I can totally get what she’s going through... those male workers are so irritating istg I wanted to bonk them all and fire that yeonjun guy.
I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life
132 idk from when but at least 123, the translation is bad NO, SERIOUSLY? VIESE? COULD’VE BEEN GALLAHAN BRUH >> S2 now and lol showing how incompetent he is // GO SHANNET!!! Fav: 42, 92-93, 130
The Tyrant's Only Perfumer
85 looks like the main conflict is over? also OFL is so pretty tho so what happened to the new people from end s1..
I'm Divorced, But I'm a Chaebol
For the Musical Genius
47 BROOO THIS IS SO GOOD. initially i thought this would be all about music and wondered how good it could be, since there were quite some positive comments. but i was so invested in every chapter, on the edge of my seat. love all the business stuff that made things more exciting and satisfying imo, ofc the music and helping others was also nice too. proud of mc! seems to hv some romance w yooha but not too bad. 2 - using law to rebut cheating allegations are satisfying 8 - english 11 - met english guy 14 - CROWN PRINCE?!?! 15 - gender in mgmt. holy i’m so invested 23 - competition to exempt NS lol 29 - law
The new employee