Sasakure Memoriaru
Love how twisted the seme is-his infatuation with his sensei after being cruelly rejected turned into a twisted sexuality-his "rape" fantasies involving the uke had him initiating "violation play" during sex with said uke-suffice to say its perfect for those with a jaded palette such as my self-Fucking awesome-2nd fav by this mangaka after Stepping Stone
Toriko ni Natta... Kemono
If Kazuki was a real guy he'd have hemmroids or a prolapsed retum within a month-having that monster penis pound his ass non stop every night for hours at time would turn anybody's anus inside out in no time-u gotta pace yourself with butt sex-change up with some oral or "sword fighting" everyone in awhile-I'm just being stupid-it's a fuckkng comic so my speculation is ridiculous and silly 1. Happy Yarou Wedding (Professor/student) 2. Beautiful beast (Kazuki/Chiharu) 3. Virgin Love (Kaoru/Daigo) 4. Toriko ni Natta... Kemono (Kaoru/Daigo and Kazuki/Chiharu) 5. Junai no Seinen (Kaoru/Daigo) 6. Kemono wa Ai de, Iyasareru. (Kazuki/Chiharu) 7. Playboy Amour. (Mixed couples, Ian evans and side story of Kazuki/Chiharu ) 8. Oboreru Kemono no Koibito. (Kazuki/Chiharu) 9. Men's Love (Kaoru/Daigo) 10. Aikata (Jun/Jin) 11. Ueta Aikata (Jun/Jin) 12. Amaeta Kemono no Shitsukekata (Kazuki/Chiharu) 13. Torawareta Amai Kemono-tachi (Kazuki/Chiharu) 14. Aikata no Aishikata (Jin/Jun) 15. Kemono no Marking (Chiharu/Kazuki) 16. Erotic ni Kojiakete
Koi wa Maiorita
Oh my fucking god!!!! I fucking loooovvve this manga-gorgeous art-sweetly painful angst-and in the last story Nachi is so hot and gorgeously angsty
Heart Strings
Saki is just fucking delicious……delicioso….yum yum yum yum-random Dora the Explorer reference cause why not-it's late and it popped in my head-Saki San is like a buff Asami with some fucking expressions!!
Ore Ni Koi Shite Dousunda
The day I found out the mangaka had given up on this my heart fucking broke-god I was loving this manga-so hot because even though it's not very graphic the sexual tension is bilt up nicely♪( ´θ`)ノ-plus uncle's fucking hot-he's uncouth, a bit of a dick,a total slut and a massive perv-love him-#sexy fucking beast(=゚ω゚)ノ ︎☂why sensei did u stop this angsty masterpiece-I need to learn fucking Japanese to start a petition begging you to finish-that and I'd have so many more manga reading opertunities-ヽ(´o`; ・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。
Tatsu No Otoshigo
It's Ike Reibun-'nuff said
Kimi Wa Amai Amai...
I love this mangaka-even the title manga that on the surface is sappy sweet has an undertone of angst and gives a feeling that's almost dark-it's hard to explain-it's not exactly dark but the sweetness and light u get on first ands has an edge of something-it's an indescribable feeling I get-bur I love it-i hope that this mangaka if prolific in her work and that it all gets licensed or scantalated-I love it-I love the Art to-though the emaciated look of the characters was startling at first I csme like it-it adds to the feeling that love is fragile-it adds a feeling of vurnerablity that is effecting
Stepping Stone