Get the Heroine's Script
Read till chapt 105 in chinese. This is really mfkin good!!! The story is so good, abit of mystery, politics, cute romance, regrets in life, wonderful ending, beautiful art and freaking cute chibis!!!! I love it. It's funny, but at the same time there are things that made me feel sad like the subtle complexity of one-sided love of original xiao yi and also when the extra basically showed how the characters have all passed and nobody is there anymore (': 糖中带点刀子 i love almost all the characters, emperor and empress are kind and wise, system 000 is so cute and understanding, the lil sis that curses nonstop is fking hilarious, and obviously the main characters are great. Xiao yi is so cute, and when him and the foreign prince spews 土味情话 at each other whenever they meet is fking funny.
This Witch of Mine