Window to Window
Everything about this was beautiful, and amazing. It is worth the read and a few re-reads! Although there is a lack of communication (like in a big way), I love how much they communicated outside of that one thing that they both needed to tell each other. The art is fantastic and this is definitely a five star winner! give it a chance and you will not regret it!!! NC: 42
It's Not Like That (Gangto)
The Origin of Species
Saw the pictures on IG and hot dang! Next is 63 Restart It started rereleasing and I stopped reading It is now past where I stoped Start again? Yes restart
Ang Ang
Next 95 was end of season 3 Ext one old war dude comes back Soloist f yeah LOVE IT!!! Lord don’t let him walk out silently Don’t cheat Welp that took a dark turn at 82 Excitedly skipped over the special and extra
Kojirase Cherry