Guilty Affection
Next is 75 He doesn’t though right So how did he forget Military fodder Got nothing in that last one Getting his memories back Did he kill his parents ? Eff word he showed up what’s going to happen now!?! Will he go or is he going to carry him out while he is asleep?
Cold-Blooded Beast
Waiting for 72 His bad luck didn’t budge at all
Exclusive No-Love Zone
44 was finale Never did it 47
No Moral
Next is 66 You wanted him to be cold and calculating You asked for this Minx! It’s slow these days Mr Kang !!!
It's Not Like That (Gangto)
The Man At Night
Waiting for 59 A job is a job He was like ehhh? Honto? So do we!
Manhattan Romance
Next is 65 Oh wow Luwan T^T jfc Fudge Is he alive Is he getting his art back? I mean it wasn’t clear… Ahhhh please talk clearly why is he jealous Keeping an eye on him? TF You think he is going to ask you himself? She’s a stupid liar and he is fragile What is he going to paint for him? Bad company? Best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup ️ Touch trauma Will they talk about it, at all?
Dawn of the Dragon