Oshioki Gakuen
the PE teacher gets really mutch sex.. lucky him :) i like that they do PE diseplines... and there is a loot of s and m and they does it with every one :D
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
amaazzing! so sweet and good storys, there are more stories than one and i wish the drawings was a bit diferent buy yeah... read again!
Yowamushi Pedal
it soo amazing!! i love it, and i coulld keep on reading it over and over again! so many feeling in it! its almost as good as Naruto...
Kuroko No Basuke
M Nano? Baka Nano? Hentai Nano?
its short but i like the rape scene...
oh sweet gods im so confuesed..
Fruits Basket
its amazing and i love that they can transform themself into animals from the zodiac, but i dont understant the ending... There is a side story called "fruits basket another" there comes out in september! READ AGAIN!
Houkago no Love Call
Soul Eater
its so good! i like that there is a meister and a wepon <3 soul and maka is such a good match, death kid is the coolest person in the world and him and i sould make out ;)... Read Again!!!!
Kawaii Akuma