Deep Love - Host
omg Deep Love <3 its so saad! (Crying) i dont know what to do! (its sad that i does it) he loves Ayu so much! i cant stop crying... READ AGAIN!!!!!!!!
Deep Love - Ayu no Monogatari
omg Deep Love! (so deep) Ayu i loove you! and why did you need to die! (crying) i love this serie and this is the original story, but i also love all the side storys, Whaaaaa (Crying)... READ AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!
Deep Love: Real
im crying! its the guy Ayu where in love with and hes having sex for mony! its so sad!! and he still has the neckless that she gave him! and its also about the "host" side story and, and (dying) im gonna die "deep love 4 ever"... READ AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deep Love - Reina no Unmei
she just wants to protect her kid!! god dammit!!! and then she finds the father and then they fall in love, but why!! he didnt need to die (crying) why and her poor child! whaaaa (every deep love stoyies are too sad... READ AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deep Love - Pao no Monogatari