Ufff~ This isn't related but well.. It's kinda Beautiful- From : Gone with the bubbles

Name : A Good day to go crazy [I seriously love these 2]

Ufff~ that moment when you realise that you're so close to an angel..

Hehehe..... *Evil grin*

This was really cute...

*sniff *sniff* I really love these 2...

Some spoiler pictures for It's Not like that


I like that castle TTTT

I like that judge hall (or something)

Aish.. wanna lick him~ ahem.. where are my manners *blush*///

Isn't he fcking hwaaaaat? I can feel the heat!!.. from : Lion Heart

AHHHH---// I really like her hair colour... She's from : The Abandoned Empress.. Her character is the mother of our protagonist...

Isn't she pretty? From : The Abandoned Empress