I really like that.. the sound of rain...

Name : A Good day to go crazy [I seriously love these 2]

They both are so beautiful

The be like forever together

Hehehe..... *Evil grin*


Yesss!!! Name : A good day to go crazy

Uff~ I really love this scene.. I think it's from My partner fetishes.. or something.. I forgot the name but it's in my ongoing manhwa list

This was really cute...

*sniff *sniff* I really love these 2...

I really love these both...

This was really horific and just wow.. I really like them... It's from a manhwa called Game (don... Kinda forgot) it's in my short storie li

Uff~ I really love them.. From : It's not like that..

These both are a match made in heaven..

Some spoiler pictures for It's Not like that

Some spoiler pictures for It's not like that

AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA... Actually this was really funny and Surprising.. Some spoilers pictures~
