AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHA... Actually this was really funny and Surprising.. Some spoilers pictures~


I like that castle TTTT

Aish.. wanna lick him~ ahem.. where are my manners *blush*///

Isn't he fcking hwaaaaat? I can feel the heat!!.. from : Lion Heart

Aish... Too hwaaat

He's hwaat

He's soo hwaat-...

Alright.. I'm turned on...

AHHHH---// I really like her hair colour... She's from : The Abandoned Empress.. Her character is the mother of our protagonist...

Isn't she pretty? From : The Abandoned Empress

Uwaaaah.. that's soo pretty!! From : The Abandoned Empress

CUTEEE!!! From : The Abandoned Empress

I really like that wavy hair of hers.. From : The Abandoned Empress