Isn't this scene really beautiful?

I just gave some edits to this picture.. It's from “Shen Sheng” It's a cute BL manhua!!!(I love it)

Name : A Good day to go crazy [I seriously love these 2]

My heart.... *Stab*stab*stab* Name : A good day to go crazy

This was at chapter 1.. hahaha... I died when I saw the poster.. Name : A good day to go crazy

Ufff~ that moment when you realise that you're so close to an angel..

They both are so beautiful

The be like forever together

Name : A good day to go crazy I actually like these 2 side couples.. they're also so good together

Hehehe..... *Evil grin*


Yesss!!! Name : A good day to go crazy

Aish... Soo CUTEEE...

This was really cute...

*sniff *sniff* I really love these 2...

I really love these both...

These both are a match made in heaven..

Some spoiler pictures for It's not like that