Bwuahahahahaha XDD Every time I laugh, it's just X""DDDDDD WTF "dick dakar rally", I can't stop X"D

This page is so funny "Kuro. Happy. Ukyou.." contagious |SHOCK| XDDDDD

Bordel, I adore Kodama's expression behind Rutta, like "I can't help you anymore, sorry" the must XD

"Speaking spanish? Quiero hacerte el amor!" Sneaky style XDD

OMG XDD It's so sad for him X"DDDD Gyahahahahahahahaha XDD

Juste génial, le mangaka a grave trippé et est allé jusqu'au bout de son truc, on dirait mes pensées

Certificat XD

The poor guy! XD

What the heck is he saying?! XD And it fucking doesn't sound like an apology X"D

The disdain on his face XDDD

I get his feelings, this head XDD