I really love this moment and in the oav too : "how are made babies?" "...from a cabbage..." X"DDD


"But I am important" XDDDDDD

Ah my god, he's so ugly, he looks like an alien XDDDDD

There are just too much babies XDD "... with Shizu-chan's ABNORMAL DNA" and the little sparkle XDDD


*dixit* Internal rupture XD

WTF?! How possible?!XD He's at unisvertsity and he didn't know?! X"DDDD

What The Fuck Is This Smiley?!!!? X"DDDDD

WHAT IN THE- OMGOOOD XDDD and the flollowing page "your anus... is lonely." I just died XDDDD

WWHAAAAAAAT? Fuck what was that?! The mangaka is insane XDDDD

"Do you want candy?" XDD Pedobear XDD

RHAAAAAA, this mangaka is too funny!! X'''DDDD

Oh God let me die, my stomach hurts too much X''DDDD

I can't take it anymore, this manga is so funny, give me a break I'm crying, oh my gosh XD


OH DAMN THIS IS JUST FUCKING AWESOME!! X"DDD It looks like a super-power, I'm dead dead dead!! X"DD