Pretty girl looks for the popular guy that attracts love from girls and hate from guys.

The editor's note is so true. I, also, would much rather prefer food over material gifts!

My G*D, that editor is HILARIOUS! It makes me want to read the manga even more!!!

I like the way this editor thinks . . . ^_^

He can't help but bully the one he loves, so he is scared of hurting the thing he cares for. Dog?

Four people stranded on an island. This scene is HILARIOUS!

The spy witnessed the king kiss the part-time consort and is dying. The girls are jealous . . .

The king's advisor and right hand man senses something . . . the king has kissed the part-timer . ..

Hello Mom. It is a pleasure to meet you Mom, Dad. Dad and Mom are wonderful names . . . XD Dad . . .

Stupid perverted older blonde bro . . . stop hurting my classic-tsundere little bro, kay?

A female god enters the male bath to tell two men that there are trespassers . . . idiot boys.

D'awwwwwwwwwww! JUST LOOK AT HIM! LOOK!

LEAVE . . .

Just, oh dear lord . . . this manga KILLS me!

I don't care if I save this more than once . . . this deserves to be in my album twice . . .