to damn freaking adorable for my heart to handle

lolXD that noteXD really love this kind of gems left by translators groups<3

buahahahahaXD oh, lol.

loloXD now that is a good way to start a djX)

oh, lolxD don't mess with kids special personXD

lolXD what first love does to youXD but damn dude, you really need to read a book or twox)

the friends have no idea how right they areXD

lolXD that is really badass, junXD

nope, tomo, you won't- at least not for a few decadesXD

trying to tell the guy you like him. the stuggle here is just so real but in the cutest way^^

that he doesXD

poor hakXD havng a week moment and all=P

yes, totally my bf and meXD lolXD

totally like my bf and meXD