Kora_Untainted's photo / #soft boys(91)
cute dummies :D
dammit yohan xd
hhgj cute as all hecK
making me cry in fudanshi smh
usually i don't add two from the same manga to an album but frick these guys are cute
babies <3
Xu Ze kissed him akjfkagjiksymjih
"I'm not crying! You're crying!!"
hsjdkhzsakhjeyju i<3 <3 <3 they're so cu t e
My heart is weak to cuteness <3
dfjkshjks These twqo are adorable ;;
sivjosvjkxjfodjb jgjfyhkyf
zbnjzghzjghjahkja gjkiag <3 <3 <3
yes yes yes yes