possible use for/as a meme ... do i even know what it is i'm talking about??

kyuuu... do not make a kyute little one cry... bad 'big brother'... uwuuu...

mehmehmeh, ... note to self ... {coughs slightly}

yaiiii... go get them devils bunny! ... defeat them in the name of friendship, ai-yooooooo, ai-go!

fighting! bunny talk...uuummm...the power of the spoken word does exist,& karma, zink-be-do+say good

do not make cute little big/little brother chibi-chan-kun-san cry

the legendary rainbow...

note to self... yeshhh... yummy noodles... cook... no-not-the-last-one... eat ... yuuush, noodles!

bish 'dead good looks' - protection mantra,

bish -main course -side dishes -dessert ...& that's just for starters!

shounen ai bish
