favourites -shounen ai- amazing artwork and story-line, young bishies;angst,violence,inner turmoil..

worth every single penny... well cats or dogs or bishies are sure worth every petting penny!

everyone should have an older, capable yakuza-bishie-older brotherrr,oh bother, nii-san, onii-san!

what's with the older brother syndrome?! Yakuza or not older bishie brothers seem 2 B D fashion-mnga

The only thing missing = the bishie-yandere of the story! Here to stay? Look at me he says-threatens

Must only happen in Asia... blood bros. = Bishie-bros.

double skip... doki... 2 of them in 1 screen...

Yandere alert... you bad bish.

he's upset enough, don't tease the upset kitten, he'll go tiger-mouth on you..well, keep hoping...

this 1st drawing reminds me of 'Mookyul'?? well, the correct manga name: 'totally captivating'...

yes, onii-bishie-san! We'll wait, as long as it takes, we'll wait 4 your silver-hair-ninja-shadow 2!

onii-bishie-san!... what an entrance,that is fear inspiring bishie aura & countenance, ky-aaaoi!

this is too yakuza-cool to actually be yakuza, but it is, is it not? oh well, still manga-life...

enter the silver-ninja-dragon... c'mon people, nice save from a dirrty fighter: hidden weapons=no-no

why does water look so refreshingly hot! in manga-anime

yes, i'm sure He-Tian's would more than happily oblige & apologise even when they did not wrong U.Fu

He-Tian, dear, as Demon Lord extraordinaire you should BEWARE the power of the Spoken Word.Ominous