Phil disciplines Randy and then penetrates the bottom

Shirotani kissing Kurose's hand is a "good boy" moment *___*

The experimentation is real

Kurose is testing Shirotani's limits

Kurose is getting aroused from being dominant

Shirotani wants the butt plug to remain

Shirotani is enjoying the spanking. There's a drama CD of this moment too

A job well done to Shirotani for enduring the spanking and for cumming

A coloured page of Shirotani getting spanked

Kurose questions Shirotani. Shirotani doesn't have much control

Hyun is confidently telling Shiwoo to suck him. Wow, that's bold.

Not BDSM where there are sex toys, but there is a dominant person and a submissive.

Hyun praises Shiwoo, and Shiwoo is happy to please and to be pleased from listening. A reward

Hyun is giving Shiwoo more instructions to please both parties

So sexy that Hyun knows what Shiwoo wants, and Shiwoo listens with pleasure

Shiwoo and Hyun are enjoying themselves

Pleasure from both parties. Shiwoo and Hyun are good sex buddies

Shiwoo seemed surprised when Hyun pulled our uke's head, but Shiwoo still seemed to enjoy himself