giving bisexuals a bad rep, smh... it's still a sexuality. you can't "choose". terrible friends

uhhhhhhhhhh, what the fuck????? is this?????????

that was... really out of nowhere. they don't have chemistry yet, tf

I know this is common with kids, but uh... what?

this author seems to have something for extreme age gaps. sorry I can't ship a 7 year old with a 17

well no. just no. they don't want to keep it a secret. they say no because they don't want it at all

yikes. what an asshole thing to say even as a joke. you were married for 20 years. go away

yeah, idk, I can't get behind this ship. the characters aren't likable or compatible

it's so difficult to get behind this when he looks like an 8 year old

yiiiiiiiikes, people find this endearing?


dickhead. not a fan of the trope where they hate each other until they love each other

what the actual fuck lmaoo, you're on some other level of shit. "don't be happy unless it's for me"

"I wOn'T fAll FoR hIm" him: *breathes* "DJKKVCDG" *full face blush* "s-stop..!!" waste of good art

disgusting. please stop. you're ready to fuck your UNCLE because he was KIND. and he LETS HIM. absolutely disgusting

commitment issues much? that's something you need to tell your committed partner smh. major tease

tf, you should want him to be happy. stop being a little bitch just so there can be drama

an undeniable female name and now being treated like a princess... sigh

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