getting upset and playing victim and planning revenge... on the guy you molested. cOmEdY
molestation and incest. I specifically read ch. 1 & 7 because comments said they were shit but wow
nothing about reina screams "man". I'm confused why this is in a yaoi anthology. also seems incomple
starting to think this anthology is expressing open transphobia. in... a fetishized gay manga.... hm
uhhhhh, transvestite or transgender? I'm seeing female pronouns from the adult but male from the kid
yay for forcing yourself on someone clearly against their will and then molesting them. romance <3
not a fan of the "prince & princess" dynamic in yaoi. they'd both be princes. stupid ass trope
ehhh. mediocre at best. feel like I've seen it a hundred times before. the characters fall flat
thanks for giving me something with everything that I hate
what kind of conversation is this between teenagers lmaooo
that is how it works lmao. but of course that's not how it'll go, because yaoi logic
he really looks like a woman, tf. ripoff of man crush, and not even a good one
ehhhh, I'm not okay with these incestuous plots with the excuse that they're not "blood" related
tf are these categorizations? are we supposed to root for these characters?
yeah, I'll pass. average art, mediocre story, unlikable mcs. problematic tropes. annoying
reading this was a curse. boring. no plot. incest. messy art. I'll pass
it was a nice story with nice art but too fast and just an excuse to draw 2 guys fucking. no
yiiiiiiiiikes. I heard he gets with his friend at the end but there's no way in hell I'm sitting through this just for that