His face! His face! He was not prepared for that question!

Now THAT is someone who is dedicated to a fault

When you read it in 2018 and be like "...that's the past though"

The second hand embarrassment makes it impossible for me too study too!

Waow, siscon much?

Such a manly way of spitting out your drink

An idiot dad right here everyone!

Pretty sure he's blushing underneath all that blood on his face

*note* this is during breakfast

Yes Yes, he did. And he did it like a bad-ass

He's so shrewed, she should've never lend him her body, omg

Never fall asleep when a nail artist is painting your nails, they won't be nails anymore

The only thing missing is the epic shadows...

They probably should!

I'm making that face my profile picture on one of my social media some day!

Poor Miki-san...also mood