Yeaaaa, just something random for me

Best reaction ever to a cute girl! No shame whatsoever!

I think that is quite the reason he's angry at you hun

It's the small things that make this manga's comedy great~

Nice ending to the chapter, as always

Even the enemy have there silly moments!



Me after my exams, on the verge of my death

Dreams and hopes versus a crushing reality!

There is a time and place for everything, too bad he just doesn't care, huh Hibiya?

You just sometimes can't help but love those stinking pests

HA! If only...

I've read this one so many times, I can't even remember if I've already put it in an album...

THEY ARE FIVE YEARS OLD!!! EXCUSE ME?! that teacher though

He's jealous of his own, that's a whole new kind of pathetic