What makes you think I give a **** you filthy insect. You disgust me!
SOURCE: Mashle - Magic and Muscles
Me whining to my mom to buy me something like a child when I am a grown ass woman be like~
SOURCE: Mairimashita Iruma Kun!!!
Oh I am so stupid, I totally did not understand any of that what you just said. I am just going to leave now. (Robotic tone)
When your friends tell you about their crushes and you notice how you look to others when you are fangirling.
SOURCE: Fairy Tail
When you are at a get-together and your friends and parents are busy talking about all the embarrassing stuff you did when you were younger.
When you realize that your answers are up and down because you missed a line in between on the scantron 3 seconds before the test ends...
When you ask your friends for help with work and they ditch you. Later you find them eating your lunch. "JERKS!"
Maturity is when you this realization: "So this is how I look when I am fangirling over my fictional crushes"
SOURCE: Apothecary Diaries