chiaki *hurt* dta bye~~~ dont come back~~~ *hurt and cries in a corner* LOL jk *XP wink~~*

what is valentine's day??

LOL dat bully !!!!~~~~ XD

wat nice friends!!! im jealous!!!

LOL sta life sized doll!!!~~~~ XD

poor guy hit his head~~~~~~ XD

LOL they have odd tastes!!! XD

lol he's a guinea pig~~~ dat trick~~~ XD love em all~~~

hahaha and next thing you know..... *they break into a fight*

LOL oh god..... XD

dat ........ lol XD

LIAR!!!~~~~ XD

boss yo~~~ she takin' it out on you~~~ hahaha -_-

fear tactics~~ -_- he is so boss at them~~~

wow what an amazing guy~~~~~ XD O.o

the power of shoulder massages!!!!!~~~~

hahaha~~~~ they're actually triplets!!! XD

so not normal couple !!~~~~ XD