ive found my new goddess and her tumblr name is soodyo

a kuriyama mirai cuz someone asked for it

punk genos with a weird body posture cuz i didnt think that far ahead

done in pen

genos w/ weird eyes

oikawa in glasses with an almost nonexistent mouth and a rly short right sleeve


kai from ajin i screwed up his right eye pretty much halfassed the entire thing im sorry kai T_T

hi kuroo

Ayu-chan~ ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Guess what I drewwww

The lines are darker in real life but my camera sucks so it's kind of faint :I

The face took me such a friggin long time that by the time I moved onto the body, I was just like "nope nuh uh I'm done with this sht"...


"Aren't I so purty? :3"

this started out looking rly rly rly creepy but i think its gotten better

Happy bday kuroo <3 <3 <3 <3 Nov 17th