Oh Handa

Innocence interrupted

Oink! Oink! ... hahaha

Reason#2 why I ️️ Tama: I also read that kind of literature... I understand her reaction so well

Continuation of Reason#2: I'll never get tired of seing her reaction

The eraser... has his face xD

It's either bad luck or good luck, it all depends on how you see it

Oh! It's the stinky fish

Get the hint man!

Oh Yohan, my dear Yohan

Do I say something? Do I leave? Do I pretend I've got my headphones on?

OMG! both of them

I confess I concluded the same as them... but their thoughts illustrated are funnier than mine

OMG! her mom floating in the air

Seriously... what kind of Father-Son relationship is this?

Truth is they only accepted it because of the great fear they feel towards his son... but still