what the fuck was that ending??? so that means rai died? is that why the red thingy appeared? how did the other nobles survive??? also why the fuck did everyone die and come back alive except my boi lazark??? author had personal beef with him. RIP, u will be missed
its getting boring after chap 400, fight with muzaka seems forced, the maduke guy had a senseless reason and so did the old noble guy. it was nice in the starting but i feel bad for raizel and frankenstein
Rereading this again and tbh my reaction is the exact same as back then I get annoyed at the enemies being a ugly pussy bitch apologizing to Raizel like yeah but I need to see them getting physically tortured inside out and see them suffer sighhh
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what the fuck was that ending??? so that means rai died? is that why the red thingy appeared? how did the other nobles survive??? also why the fuck did everyone die and come back alive except my boi lazark??? author had personal beef with him. RIP, u will be missed
author really tried to force raizel and raskeira together huh.
rai x franken forever
its getting boring after chap 400, fight with muzaka seems forced, the maduke guy had a senseless reason and so did the old noble guy. it was nice in the starting but i feel bad for raizel and frankenstein
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i just shat tears at his death what the fuck i cant. FUCK
i love the relation betwewen frankenstien and the rai. i hope frankenstein doesnt betray him tho
This is the era of webtoon where you just HAD to be there to experience it
Yes.. yes it was
i still wonder why they didnt include the female friends of shinwoo in the anime ┗( T﹏T )┛
this underrated masterpiece is coming back up againn i miss reading this i want to reread noblesse but the long as chpters r too much fam
Is this worth reading? The amount of chapters is kinda overwhelming...
You'll read it up to the end without realizing it.. I mean if you're into slice of life, comedy, old artstyle and... some crazy scientist
Guysss Is this the same as the anime "Noblesse"? I've only watched the anime but not this Webtoon.
Yeah, but the manhwa is way better than the anime and there's so much more going on in the manhwa that wasn't told properly in the anime.
Oh really? Guess I gotta read it! Thank you so muchh<33
Rereading this again and tbh my reaction is the exact same as back then I get annoyed at the enemies being a ugly pussy bitch apologizing to Raizel like yeah but I need to see them getting physically tortured inside out and see them suffer sighhh
i didn't know that they are some people who knows noblesse!!! I really love this manhwaaa