Pretending to be BaileyBot and using a exposed lie on their target
17 03,2024 uploaded
Revealing Cyberstalkers March 17, 2024 6:55 am

This thread is one of the threads that exposes BaileyBot as sock puppet.
A) (Cyberstalker)
B) (Cyberstalker)
C) (Sock puppet)

You have A come in after me saying I am a troll.
Then you have B coming in saying "I have verified the accounts and the second Bailey is the real one. The first is the pedophile who failed to groom her." Which means A is C

Then you have A coming in saying they are C.

TM joined on 1/26/20 is right's other album

  • I set protector and his friends up.

    I will update with more info as needed when I want to set them up more.

    I am not going to change this but I was debunking a fake album where nothing supported them. They were trying to set up someone for what they did.

    I am debunking as that baileybot the sockpuppet of the cyberstalkers.

    22 photos
  • Baileybot's lie exposed.

    This album is focused on debunking Baileybot's lie further. is another place I expose the sock puppet cyberstalker's lie.

    16 photos
  • Cyberstalkers

    10 photos
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