Love the caption
Usually I look at the saved pics to see if the sex scenes look any good. So I was really caught off guard when you captioned it that lol XDI can’t stop laughing, it’s so blunt and matter of fact lmao
My own mind keeps me from enjoying things TT__TT
Shit that makes me softer than microwaved marshmallow. That mune kune shit. That revive me with smelling salts for I have swooned shit.
Shit that gives me a girl boner
Substances that should never be inserted in anyone's bumholes.
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Love the caption
Usually I look at the saved pics to see if the sex scenes look any good. So I was really caught off guard when you captioned it that lol XD
I can’t stop laughing, it’s so blunt and matter of fact lmao
My own mind keeps me from enjoying things TT__TT