Made this b/c I hate dealing with twitter lol
Has stuff from Therapy Game/Therapy Game Restart, Secret XXX, and Kamisama no Uroko. These were all taken from her official twitter account @hnhr_mgr . It's mostly in order from newest piece to oldest, some are 'out of order' if I thought it'd flow better/I wanted to group similar pieces.
I try to include context behind the picture if I know it but I don't understand Japanese so I'm pretty limited in what I know ; v ;
Some of these are cropped from pages, usually if whatever I found cute or funny wasn't the main focus of the page/there's a lot going on that distracts from it (sry for my shitty cropping skills in advance lolol)
Just wanted a separate album for panels/faces/etc I clipped from manga pages.
I tried cleaning some of these (which I'm really bad at...) so apologies in advance if any of these are cropped weird or somethin...
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