i understand that you want to be edgy or something but posting questions like your one related to psychopaths just hurts the public perception of them even more. I am a sociopath (people lump sociopaths and psychopaths together for some dumb reason) and the stigma is so strong that even medical professionals that damn very well know that sociopathy and psychopathy are two different disorders, lump them together and treat me like trash when i try to get help due to people who have the actual legit opinion of the troll you posted. i dont treat people like trash and manipulate them because i have the disorder, i was taught what was good an bad and i follow my morals, just because i cant empathize with someone as well as others can doesn't mean i will act like an asshole like many people think. im sorry for the rant but you post really upset me and many other people. it has weeded out the dumb asses for me to correct in the comments at least.
i understand that you want to be edgy or something but posting questions like your one related to psychopaths just hurts the public perception of them even more. I am a sociopath (people lump sociopaths and psychopaths together for some dumb reason) and the stigma is so strong that even medical professionals that damn very well know that sociopathy and psychopathy are two different disorders, lump them together and treat me like trash when i try to get help due to people who have the actual legit opinion of the troll you posted. i dont treat people like trash and manipulate them because i have the disorder, i was taught what was good an bad and i follow my morals, just because i cant empathize with someone as well as others can doesn't mean i will act like an asshole like many people think. im sorry for the rant but you post really upset me and many other people. it has weeded out the dumb asses for me to correct in the comments at least.
tf is this account
lol so funny this guy