Aria May 6, 2017 8:16 am

Hello, I'd just like to say thanks for the scanlated chapters of the manga Chiku Bingo...just wanted to ask, have you guys dropped it or are y'all still doing the rest of vol.1? If not then perhaps someone else will be able to take it up.

12Wolves94 May 24, 2017 4:48 pm

Ah, sorry for the late reply, I rarely open MangaGo anymore.
We are still doing Chiku Bingo, but our members are busy right now, so it gets delayed. So sorry for the very long wait. +_+ We are still currently translating the 3rd chapter and cleaning.

2D~ May 25, 2017 4:56 am
Ah, sorry for the late reply, I rarely open MangaGo anymore. We are still doing Chiku Bingo, but our members are busy right now, so it gets delayed. So sorry for the very long wait. +_+ We are still currently t... 12Wolves94

No worries :) thanks for the hard work!
I'd started on a bit of the cleaning and translating of ch2 myself and I gotta say scanlation groups don't get the appreciation they deserve ( O__O")

12Wolves94 May 25, 2017 2:48 pm
No worries :) thanks for the hard work!I'd started on a bit of the cleaning and translating of ch2 myself and I gotta say scanlation groups don't get the appreciation they deserve ( O__O") 2D~

Thank you very much for the patience. XD Oh, good luck cleaning and translating! Haha, it's fun, but very demanding, lol. People often don't realize it's really tough work until they do it themselves. ( ̄∇ ̄")
